Chapter 9, The Family

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After he was ready with a purple vest which reminds him of her, with a smile he went to the lounge to see his mother already sitting there. She gave him a smile and gestured him to come and sit besides him. She holds his hands in her and looked at him with the tenderness he has not seen in his mother's eyes for so long It felt like he has a small child who still could come running to his mother when he wanted something or when he was hurt. "Mama" Hearing Anthony call her that made Violet want to cry and smile at the same time so she looked at her son for a while she could see a new spark of light in his eyes.

"My dearest son, you may doubt it when I say this but Anthony know this I love you, actually I love the most, you are not just our son but you are the one who made feel the most precious. Edmund and I were complete when we had you and I was lost but remember this Anthony it was also you who brought me out of my misery after a point everyone else lost hope on me. But dearest you continued coming to me even when all the words might have been just scratching your wounds but you still were there for me reminding me to live." Anthony and Violet both were in tears after taking a breath Violet continue "Anthony I am not disappointed on you I have never been, In the last few weeks I got to see the Anthony who could laugh, who could open up, who could love and who was actually living for once my darling I am sorry that I am the reason you were scared of that or the person behind the reason you were changing."

Anthony just shook his head and said "Mama, I can't live without her I don't want to be like I was before her because I know I won't be able to live without her. I know I have made a lot of mistakes but please just stand with me to fight to get her in my life, please." "Ofcourse dearest even if you would have not said I would have brought Kate Sharma here and forced both you to marry." They both chuckled and calmed down and just sat in each other's presence.

When Kate came down to the dinning room for breakfast her mama, Edwina and Lady Danbury were already present and everybody gave her a knowing look and Kate could help the blush creeping on her face. "Miss Sharma why don't you join us." Kate come near the table but before sitting down she said what she had decided the very moment she returned. "Lady Danbury, Mama and Edwina, I want you all to know that I was not brave enough to confess what I felt towards Lord Bridgerton it was not because I could not but because I thought no one would care my feelings." Mary and Edwina were shocked, so Mary asked "Dearest ofcourse it matters." "Didi, you know I have always listened to you."

Lady Danbury gave a humourless laughter and both Mary and Edwina turned to her. "Do you both really think her feelings have ever mattered. Lady Mary tell me the last time you actually listened to her before that accident in the closet and you young lady if you really ever listened to your sister would have been ever engaged to the very person your sister was trying her level best to keep away from you. She has been fighting, struggling, realising, fretting, sacrificing everything you have if as a stranger I could see so much why couldn't you two?" they both looked at each other than to Kate and back to Lady Danbury.

She sighed and said "Child sit down will you." Kate sat down while trying her best to not breakdown. "Miss Sharma has been the head of the house from such a tender age of what six and ten. There is never a woman who train to the heir then how was Miss Sharma able to do it, because she had to so that she could take care of a mother who was not only in pieces and a young sister who needed parental care. You both had her as an anchor but she, she could not even have dreams anymore. She also needed a support, a shoulder, a soothing hand to put her sleep. Have you ever tried to know how she had managed these far or however was a dowry for Miss Edwina's marriage was arranged."

"But Lady Danbury she could have just told me what was going to me now I am not young anymore." Lady Danbury looked at her with a disappointed look but it was Kate who spoke. "Yes, I could have you ever asked me. Edwina, I have protected you so far and if you can I will do it in the future too but know this I have done everything possible for you. Mama, you said I should have told you earlier tell me what would have you done if I would told you how I felt about Lord Bridgerton earlier?" Lord Mary subconsciously said "Maybe I would have told you to stay away from Lord Bridgerton or told you to go somewhere for some time so that..." She stopped when Lady Danbury banged her cane that is when she realised what is said with wide eyes, she looked at Kate and "Kate, I didn't mean that I ...I just..."

Kate actually was not surprised but defiantly hurt but with a smile she looked at her mother and said "Mama, it's okay. Lady Danbury I might need your help. You might have already expected this but I will need your help in the path I will be taking from now. You can deny it but I hope you know that I am really thankful to you for everything especially today." "Ofcourse child I will help you. I also have some regrets of not just shoving the both of you at a church already."

Kate smiled at everybody especially Lady Danbury and excused herself, even if the Sharma's did have a conversation before but that had made her realised how little was, she real in front of them. She was longing near the window deep in her thoughts when there was a knock on her door. Lady Danbury came in "Lady Bridgerton has invited us at Bridgerton house." She came forward and patted her and said "Get ready and don't worry they both are better just need time and I think it's better if they rest in today." Kate only nodded and said thank you.

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