Chapter 4, The refuge

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The Bridgerton and the Sharma family with the help and guidance of Queen and Lady Danbury were trying to neutralize the situation so that no scandal is created. Seeing the mocking and taunting looks Edwina and Anthony were receiving Kate could hold back anymore so when nobody was observing her, she rushed out of there to find a place of refuge. Soon she found the perfect place where she was self-blaming, tossing and guilt when suddenly lost her balance resulting in imbalance of the cabinet which leads to a heavy vase to fall from the top on her head and crushing down with a loud bang. Before she can process what was wrong her vision went black and she collapsed.

Anthony was standing with some gentlemen and trying to communicate with them when from the corner of his he caught Kate rushing out of the ball. After trying compose themselves back to conversation and falling excused himself and went to find Kate. He had no idea where she could be when suddenly he heard a loud bang in the corridor and rushed the closet from where the sound came to see what happened. When he opened the door, it was like his life scattered into pieces when he found her lying on the floor. He rushed towards her he tried to pull her into her arms when he found blood gushing out of her head, he was panicking but tried rationalize his thoughts and picked her up and took her to the nearest bed chamber while ordering the maid passing by to call for the doctor and inform the family.

In few minutes the family was in the room they could see how panicked and alarmed Anthony was. When the doctor finally came Anthony was rushing him to do something so the doctor requested him to be patient, he was losing his cool was going to shout when Benedict and Colin came towards him to calm him down. He looked at everybody in room saying "This my fault, my it should have been not her, me not her never her." Then he left from there. Daphne and Violet with Lady Danbury went out of the room to inform the queen about the situation and apologizing the ton for ending the ball soon.

After sometime the doctor informed Kate was fine and will wake up after sleeping for around 56 Hours. On Violets insistence Sharma family and Lady Danbury decided stay their till at least Kate regains her senses. For few hours Edwina and Mary stay with Kate. Later in the Daphne styed by Edwina's side who refused to leave her sister. This was the first-time years that the Bridgerton house is so quite everybody would alternatively come and check on Kate's condition except one, Anthony who was burrowed in his study and refuses to come out. It has been a little more than 56 hours and the panic was increasing.

Edwina was sitting beside Kate with one of her hands in hers will was just staring outside the window with moist eyes when suddenly she felt a caress o her palm and saw Kate's open her eyes while she gave Edwina a weak smile "Bon" Edwina just looked at her for a minute before calling the others. Everybody came to meet her in the last fifteen minutes except the man whom she desired to meet the most. At last, when Daphne came to meet her and no one else was there besides them she asked "Your Grace, where is Lord Bridgerton" to which Daphne smiled and squeezed her hand "Anthony was the one who rescued you. But after that he has looked himself in his study" Daphne smiled apologetically and Kate just nodded her before she said she is tired and would like to rest.

While as soon as Violet made sure Kate was awake, she went to inform Anthony personally when she entered without knocking, he said "mother, I do not have time for this." but he stopped when heard his mother calling him and he knew so he looks at her and ask "she is awake?" Violet nodded "She is." Listening this Anthony could not let his emotion in anymore and burrowed his face in his hands and he breathing shakily. Violet knew she need to help her first born to free from the torment and weight he has felt from years, so she went besides him and said "It is ... unthinkable. Finding someone like that, finding someone you love." She paused a took a breath before continuing "I am so sorry; I am so sorry that it was you who was with your father that day. And I am sorry to what followed wish I could change. That is what I always think." Anthony sniffled before replying "I do not think I can see her." He wiped his tears who were not stopping to fall drop by drop. "Losing Edmund was the most difficult time of my life and pain that I felt was beyond description" Anthony nodded his head when Violet looked at him and took his hand in hers before continuing "but there is one thing that has given me least some modicum of solace... is that I will chose to live this live with him every single time and feel this pain I felt all over again if I had to because REAL TRUE LOVE IS WORTH IT." They looked each other and she continued in whisper "no matter what." Anthony sighed softly "Do no lose her, Anthony. ... You cannot lose her" when she said that Anthony looked at her with such helpless eyes with so many overwhelming emotions.  

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