Chapter 2, The Whys.

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Edwina asked "Lord Bridgerton may I ask you question?" Anthony was surprised he just nodded so that Edwina can continue speaking. "My Lord, why do you want marry? Is it because you love me?" Anthony was silent were a while "Because I understand you." Edwina just nodded her head in understanding and she looked at her sister and asked "Didi, is this what you wanted for me? A marriage based on understanding and not love?" Kate was silent for mere second before replying "No" Edwina nodded again "Then Didi why are ok with me marrying the Viscount?". Kate looked Anthony and back to Edwina before replying "I just want your happiness Bon, you said to me that you want and love Lord Bridgerton and if happiness is in marrying him then that is what I will make sure happens."

There was silence in the room no one spoke but Edwina broke the silence "you would do it even if you are against it, even if you are not happy with it?" in a blink of eye Kate replied with a determined yes. Edwina then came towards Kate took her hands in hers and said "Didi, I do love and appreciate you lot but" she paused looked in Kate's eyes with her moist eyes and continued "and I am sorry for not realizing that you were not just sacrificing somethings for my and mama's happiness but you were sacrificing yourself, your happiness with a big smile on your face." Kate just shook her head with teary eyes "No, Bon it was, is and will always be my duty to take care of mama and you it is not big deal." "It is a big deal dearest believe me it is" said Mary and then she looked at Edwina and said "Dearest do not run around the bush and tells what is it that you want to tell the guest are going to start arriving". Edwina nodded and again came to the center and declared "Lord Bridgerton I do not think I would able to get married to you." All of the people were shocked to speechlessness.

Before anybody could ask her some whys "Lord Bridgerton might have proposed to me on his own will but he wanted to cancel this wedding after the confrontation with my grandparents Sheffield's, isn't it Didi". Kate was shocked and before she could ask or explain something Edwina looked at Anthony and said "Why did you agree to get married to me Lord Bridgerton just because you did not want a scandal or because someone requested you or more like asked you to do it?" Subconsciously Anthony's eyes went to Kate who her eyes wide was looking from Edwina to him and back to Edwina. Edwina followed his line of sight and had an amused expression before looking at lady Danbury.

"I thought you both were smart people Lord Bridgerton and Miss Sharma but how could you forget that if you are having a private conversation, you should use a discrete place on to a parlor with open doors or in woods." To say Anthony and Kate were shocked and others were confused accept lady Danbury would be understatement.

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