Chapter 7, The Gazebo

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//Well this is a longer chapter with some smut it is almost the gazebo scene of the series well enjoy //

Anthony looked into her eyes with his hands clasped behind his back and started speaking "You been obstinate, inflexible, unyielding to good, plain common sense from the moment we first met each other in that park."

Kate: "Well, I can certainly understand why that could be so troubling to a man like you. A man used to getting his way... A man used to giving orders--" she was getting vexed by this man.

Anthony:" I do not give orders."

Kate:" I don't listen to orders you give" Anthony interrupted "Perhaps you should."

She increased a pitch in her volume because she was getting angry at where this conversation was going "I'll never listen to you! ... or to any on I wholeheartedly disagree with and the fact it's taken you this long to come in terms with that..." "Do you want to know why?" and her she could argue back Anthony said "It is because I have never met like you" He sighed and Kate became quiet "Its maddening, how much you consume my very being." Anthony breathes deeply and Kate averts her gaze before returning to his eyes again

Anthony:" My family is on a brink of ruin. I'm nearly certain every last of my brother and sister secretly despise me. My own mother, at that. And yet still, all I find myself thinking about, all I find myself being able to breathe for... (takes a deep breathe) IS YOU. Do you think I want to be in this position?" Kate knew he didn't as much she didn't so she shook her head. Before he continued "Contending with these thoughts of wanting to be nowhere except with you. Wanting to run away with you (in a whisper she could hear). Of acting on the most impure forbidden desires (while slowing walking towards her never breaking eye contact), no matter... (they were so close to each other that they could feel each other's breathes and warmth of their body's) how much I must remind myself (in seductive low tone) I am a gentleman and you are a lady. Of that... (he bends his head between her shoulder and neck and inhales her scent) ... of that scent." they are even closer now their foreheads touching and them rubbing it so slightly with such natural moments Kate sighed and caressed his cheek with her nose ever so gently. They moved their heads so that they could see in each other eyes when he continued "It has remained imprinted on my mind ever since the night of the conservatory ball on that terrace." For few seconds they were just breathing while looking intensely at each other "LILLIES" they breathed. He exhaled closed his and shook his head to regain some control.

Anthony said "You have to stop." She asked perplexed "I have to stop?" he argued back "There is no other course of action to be concluded. You must stop!" "It has been you. (She waked away to get some distance between them) It has been you this entire time. Spinning my world of its axis, making me reconsider everything I have told myself. (She takes a deep breathe) I came here resolved to save my family. Everything I have ever done ..." "has been for them. (They said this together)" He understood that so well. Kate softly continues "You are the one who must stop." She shook her head to remind herself of the reality of the situation they are in she whispers "You are the one who must stop. Before..." "Before what? Before we finally do something for ourselves." They stood silently for some time looking at each other like trying to the limits they could go

"Kate" "Anthony" they whispered softly before moving towards each other they didn't who started it but they finally kissed for the first time after restraining themselves for months they let those emotions out. The kiss was anything but sweet it was an urgent kiss with a lot of need and desires. Their hands were all over each other when Anthony pulled the hem her gown up to touch her bare skin. They both moaned. Kate has never ben touch like this before and when Anthony heard her moan, he removed his hands and took a step back with his hands up so that he does not work on desires and disrespect her. She sighs and walk towards him saying "do not stop." His thread was snapping so he confirmed one more time "I will stop." But when she pulls him down towards her "do not ..." she did not need to continue because he took her lips into his, pulling her closer to him touching her back bring as close as possible while entering her with his tongue Kate could not help but reciprocate the kiss with same urgency while threading her hand in his hair then pulling him closer and hugging his neck.

They needed more he needed her skin to feel her more prominently he gently turned her around so that he could work on the buttons of her gown. It was taking longer time then necessary as he had been gently kissing, licking sucking every bit of skin the unbuttoning displayed. He could feel from her reaction who sensitive she was to his every action. He knew she was never touch like this before like it ever mattered but confirming at knowing that he was the first and the only who would she her like this made him prideful and painful hard at the same time. She was so responsive seeing her satin inner layer didn't not help him.

As soon as the gown was removed, she turned captured his mouth with her. She needed him so much his every touch be it by hand or lips were sending shivers to her whole being, her core was getting wet. She needed to feel him too. Just seeing him removing his coat and buttoning his vest were making her feel things. When he removed her gloves hands one by one placing the first on his face and bring the thump of other to his mouth, she just needed to claim that mouth with hers. She could not stop herself from touching his hair pulling gently. He groaned and started removing pins from her hair to free so that he could touch them.

Pulling her down kissing her he felt like this was also his first no experience or technique mattered just feeling her seeing her enjoying it was worth it. Going down to his knees having her bend to meet his face there while he unbuttoned his shirt so that he could remove it. Observing taking a step back so that she could see him do it was so intimidating for him. He pulled her, kissed exposed skin while his hands working on her stockings removing her last bit cloth hiding her most scarce part touching kissing it feeling it listening to her moan he needed more.

Anthony made Kate stand and went to the sofa and took the cushions and shawls so that he could make it as comfortable as possible in this situation. He made lay her with him in spooning position so he could touch her core with his fingers and claiming her lips drinking her moans and gasps. He needed more he positions himself above her. His on his arms leaving kisses as he down her body. He kissed left trails of his lips on her body before finally seeing her in her most beautiful and vulnerable state. Seeing her core, he could not help himself before lowering his head and kissing her. Just a slight touch of his lips made her moan and he need to hear them while savor taste. He positions himself and took her in his mouth kissed her, sucked her, licked her, devour her, touch her sensitive nub, licked her inner walls she tasted so good he could stay there tasting her for hours while hearing her moan, cry out whenever she gets sensitive while drinking her arousal as he was thirsty his entire life, caressing bosoms to feel her every breathe. Holding when she needed him. Seeing withering under his touch gasping for air enjoying the overwhelming sensation in her core. Exploring her and enjoying her high and not leaving until she overcomes it. He wanted more but the need to feel her lips win and he again crawls to come face to face with her.

She welcomes him placing her hands on his face. Observing it rubbing her thump on his lips that are wet with her arousal. Kissing invading his mouth tasting herself in his mouth touching his bare skin. Feeling him, touching his chest roaming her hand around this body pulling him closer to feel him.

While acting on their desires the only thing they could do to make sure this was happening was always having a constant eye contact. This was the night dedicated to her and that was enough for him he knew he should not go further and so he rubbed soothing circles on her skin to calm her enough and pulled towards his chest to let her snuggle to him as she wants when they were in a comfortable position Kate could keep her eyes open any longer while enjoy the sound of his heartbeat. Anthony covered her by the edge of the shawl so that she is covered enough while he observed her getting relaxed in his touch and slowly her evening out breathe as she falls asleep. 

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