Chapter 8

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I opened the door to see a boy I didn't recognize.

"Can I help you?" I ask. Though my annoyance wasn't kept at bay.

"Uhmm..are you Kim Y/n?" The boy asked.
"It's Choi Y/n now. What do you want?"

"Can.. I come in?"

I frown. "The hell? No. I don't know who you are. I'm not gonna let a stranger into my house, even if you are a kid. "

"Please? It's really important. I'll explain everything, " he says, big brown eyes pleading me.

I might regret this but alas I stepp asside and the boy quickly enters.

He fumbles with his shirt, and I point at the couch, and so he sits.

"I don't have all day,"

"Uhm... okay. do you know who I am?"

I shake my head.

"My name is Jeon Jungkook."

My breath left my lungs, and it felt like someone stabbed a knife through my heart. "I came here to talk to you about Taehyung,"

And then someone twisted that knife.

"I-" before he could continue, I grip him by his short and drag him to the front door, barely keeping my tears in. I toss him out of the house. "I don't care. Go away. I don't want to see your face here ever again, or I'll call the cops!" And then I slam the door shut.

That was the man Taehyung had had an affair with. That boy. There was an eager knock on the door. "Please Y/ need to hear me out. Taehyung didn't initiate this, I did"

"Shut up!" I yell, my voice cracking. "Taehyung loves you, I know he does! What we did was a mistake, and Taehyung made it clear afterward that it was over! I came here to apologize to you and to tell you that I'm moving to America, so I won't be in the way of you and Taehyung. "

And then anger. Sudden. Hot and blinding. I rip the door open, glaring daggers at the boy. "You should've thought of that before you slept with my husband!" I angrily poked his chest. "You knew he was married! But your desperate little mind ignored that!" And then I push him.

He slightly stumbles back.
"We were happy together! Our lives were content! We were going to start a family together and grow old together! And then you come along! For a whole month, I thought Taehyung was working his ass off meanwhile back at the ranch, he was working his ass off to screw your brains out" I angrily huff "or was it the other way around? It doesn't matter. Taehyung and I are getting a divorce. "

Jungkooks eyed widen "no you can't! I'm leaving, so there's no need for a divorce. "

"How can I trust someone who's hurt me so much again? You leaving doesn't make the pain go away. It doesn't take away the fact that he wasn't loyal. You want a fucking metal for leaving? Good on ya, I'll make one for you. It'll be called "The reason why y/n and Taehyung are getting divorced" with a big BRIGHT GOLDEN NUMBER 1"

My eyes start tearing up. "It took one boy to ruin my life. One single doe eyed bunny teeth bitch" I didn't mean what I said. I was so angry I didn't care.

"You can have Taehyung. I don't want your sloppy seconds anyway" but that was a lie. I wanted nothing more than to run back to Taehyung and tell him we'll work this out, we'll try again.

But I knew it wasn't going to work. I'd constantly worry and think he's having another affair. No. What's done is done.

I tiredly look up to Jungkook. "Please leave. I'm tired of feeling this pain, and you being here isn't making it better for me, so just...go"

And leave he did.

I went back into the house, back into My room and once again, I was crying my eyes out at the pain.

I diligently read through the papers, reading the paragraphs 3 times to make sure that what I was reading was making sense.

They didn't.

Nothing did. But I had an attorney with me to read out everything for me. "And then assets will be split unless you want it all," she read.

"Ms.Choi?" I look at her and then shake my head. "He can keep everything,"

Her eyes widen in shock. "Are you sure? If you sign, then it's official. You can't turn back on your word and try to -" I cut her off with a nod.

"I'm sure. Please give me the papers so I can sign"

She sighs and slides the papers over to me "Please sign at the bottom of each page, and then write your name here, here and here along with another signature here" she points out at diffrent lines on the page.

And so I did, and when I came to the last page, I stopped. If I sign this, I'll officially be able to divorce Taehyung. I gulp the lump of emotions rising in my throat, and I signed the paper, sliding it back to my attorney.

"I'll make copies of these, and then you can take this to Mr.Kim"

My heart was twisting and turning in my chest as I stared at the house I once called my home. I swallowed my emotions and walked to the front door, raising the bell before stepping away.

The door opened, and Taehyung spoke as if he was expecting someone, "I told you-" and then he stopped when he saw me.

His eyes widened, and he stood there shell shocked. "Y-y/n," he breathed out. My heart jolted at the way he said my name, and some part of me was happy he even remembered my name.

It had been months since we last saw each other.

We stared at each other for a few moments before I avert my gaze and brought my hand containing the papers up, holding it out to him.

He furrows his brows, and he takes the papers. His eyes then sadden a few seconds later when reading the contents.

"Please sign these."

"Can we at least talk before I do?"

I take a deep breath before I look him in the eyes. "There is nothing to talk about. You had an affair, I was heartbroken, and I want to move on."

Taehyung then frowns. "So that year together was nothing to you?"

I bite the inside of my cheek in anger. "It was everything to me. And I hoped for more of those years together. You, on the other hand, clearly thought that year was nothing"

"It was everything to me!" He yelled.

"Then why!?" I yell back angrily.
"I spent these past 6 months wondering why, why my husband, my best friend would break my trust. I can't find an answer, so tell me why!"

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