The battle with the red death

Start from the beginning

"Aye but that's what I don't get," said Stoick as he rubbed his chin. "Why would he need to hide it? If he was truly this good, then I would have allowed him to join some of those Dragon raids. Even make him your assistant on training the other teens."

Gobber shrugs his shoulders, "Don't know Stoick. Hiccup is one strange fellow. Ever since he became my little apprentice, I notice that he had quite a mind."

Stoick nodded.

"Now if ya would excuse me, I need to get the arena ready for young Hiccup," said Gobber as he placed his hand onto Stoick's shoulder. "See ya in the arena."

"Very well Gobber," said Stoick before getting some breakfast. Once he was finished, he went throughout his day and doing his duties.

When noon came, everyone in the village started heading to the killing arena as they want to know how the small teen can kill a powerful and dangerous dragon.

But for Stoick, he was getting rather concern and he rarely gets worried but he hasn't seen his son at all. He even went out and checked several locations where his son would normally be but no luck.

He asked the other teenagers but none of them know where Hiccup could be.

Stoick went to the forge to find Gobber packing some swords, axes and other weapons that Hiccup could wield.

"Aye, Stoick, I was about to head over to the arena. What are you doing here?" said Gobber.

"I was...wondering if you have since Hiccup?" asked Stoick.

Gobber scratched his chin with his hook hand, "Sorry Stoick but I haven't seen the lad all morning."

"Thank you Gobber, do you have any ideas where he could be at least? I have looked almost everywhere," said Stoick.

"Maybe he is at the forest doing some last minute practicing," suggested Gobber.

"That is what I thought but he has not shown up," said Stoick.

Gobber tapped his chin, "Let me go check if the lad left me a note on his workspace. He did that the last time when he went out to get more supplies which took him almost all day."

"Thank you Gobber, I'll be waiting at the killing arena if you find anything," said Stoick. He left and headed over to the arena.

After half an hour, Gobber came to and walked over to Stoick. The Blacksmith took out a parchment along with Hiccup's new helmet.

Stoick read the letter before widening his eyes. He looked over at Gobber, seriously, "Have everyone search in the forest – now!"

The Blacksmith nodded before shouting out to the villagers to go to the forest and to find Hiccup. Stoick sighs sadly before looking up the sky.

" son...why didn't I listen to you?"

Everyone being searching for their missing heir but after four hours of looking, there was no sign of the small Viking. They looked from Raven Point to the shores of Berk but found nothing.

"Stoick, I don't want to sound rude or anything...but," said Gobber as he rubbed his head. "Someone has to take down that Monstrous Nightmare. You don't have to worry; Hiccup can take care of himself."

Stoick sighs, "Very well – Astrid, come here!"

"What do you need Chief?" wondered a young girl with blond hair, blue eyes and had axe strapped behind her.

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