Chapter 3: Crashed Competitor

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Crickets can be overheard, Trees & plants whispering in the wind and the bright full moon glaring onto the dark gloomy environment. What stood in front of the agent was a house. The house of the man he was told to terminate. He had no choice but to eliminate it even if he didn't desire to. The agent lay on his stomach on top of a large hill overlooking the house. He was hidden from sight with a large sniper rifle provided by his overseers. The windows were glowing with light from inside revealing the expensive furniture this one man owned. How does he own this much costly stuff? Sure he owns a very large baked bean company with a stable finance and budget but they only have a small percentage of the market.

One of these was a large painting of the soon-to-be dead man. Below on a silver plaque was written: Benedict O. Nixon

After a moment of searching, The agent noticed the man slowly walking up to a drawer under the painting. On top of the drawer were a couple of documents which were too hard to make out what they said. The man grabbed one of the documents and lifted it. A moment of silence arose. The agent aimed into his sights and then...

A single shot can be heard. The bullet broke the window behind the man and then struck the target. The man collapsed. Agent 72 sighed and looked out of his scope. After a moment of silence, the agent grabbed a walkie-talkie radio attached to his vest and turned it on. He hesitated for a second but then began talking.

"Central... Do you copy?" Agent 72 said.

"Loud and clear. Go ahead." A woman on the radio replied.

Agent 72 sighed once more and said "Target is down."

"Roger that, 72 return to base." The woman ordered.

(A couple of hours after the assassination)

A knock can be heard at the door.

"Come in." Leonard said.

A security guard with a large submachine gun attached to his vest opened the door, leaving the way to the agent holding the folder which Leonard handed him.

The agent took a step inside, gradually walking up to Leonard's desk and placing the folder on the desk.

"So?" Leonard asked

Agent 72 inhaled and exhaled for a moment then began to speak.

"Benedict is down. I believe law enforcement is investigating but they are likely lacking proof. The mission seems to be successful" Agent 72 stated.

"Seems to be successful?" Leonard exclaimed, "They demanded complete success, not results that SEEM successful."
"I do not have access to info regarding the case of the homicide." The agent replied.

"Fair enough. We'll take care of the rest. You.. are dismissed" The man looked down towards his desk then grabbed a pen and opened a textbook. He then looked up and saw the agent was still standing up and not leaving.

"What? Are you just gonna stand there or something? You got something to say?" Leonard questioned.

Agent 72 hesitated to speak but after a moment, he turned around, walked out and closed the door behind him.

He then sighed once again and began to make his way back to his dorm room.

Agent 72: Corporate ViabilityWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu