Chapter 11

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He led her by the elbow to a quieter corner of the club. Alone, in the presently empty VIP room, she felt horrendously exposed. Not to mention the anger she felt with herself for not wearing something that screamed confidence. This was a big mistake. Coming here was a big mistake. If she opened her mouth to speak to him, a garbled mess would tumble out and she’d be unable to keep up with the pretence that she didn’t care.

‘I never thought I’d see you again.’ He drawled. ‘You look incredible.’

‘Don’t’. she managed. It was a long time ago, lifetimes ago. Everyone has moved on.’

‘Really? I saw a little light in your eyes when you saw me….’

‘Stop it Mikey, if that is your real name. You sound like a bloody teenage mutant ninja turtle. Drew suits you better.’

He chuckled. ‘Like you said, lifetimes ago. Ellie doesn’t need to hear any of it.’

‘I would never ever hurt her.’ Spat Emily, trying her best not to meet his eyes. Trying to suppress the waves of emotion that threatened to drag her under. Maybe you never stopped loving. Maybe you just wished you’d never run into that person again because you knew they were the only person in the world that could rule your every thought.

‘Let’s keep this our secret then.’ He grinned, flashing the smile that once made her knees feel like they were going to let out on her any second. He still had that ability. She cursed him. For walking away from what they had, for lying to her in the first place and last of all, for falling in love with Ellie.

‘I’ll walk you back to the party, remember our little secret’ he tapped the side of his nose and gave another cringe worthy wink. He was now the more irritating brother. Just for being so gorgeous, for turning her to literal putty, and for hurting her heart all these years on. Being in the same room with him was like having all the air sucked from your body and trying desperately not to scream. Her heart felt like lead, and she had no idea how much worse the night was going to get.

As she walked towards Annie, her face was grave. ‘Luke is pissed. He asked me whether I knew anything about you and Saul. I told him the truth, I said I hadn’t known, but now I wanted to throttle you.’

‘Shit!’ she exclaimed, loud enough that a group of Mikey’s frat brothers edged away. ‘Think Emily think!’ she said, calmer, more collected, a little less psycho female in a packed club. ‘Of course I didn’t say anything! My mind is still fried! Where is he?’.

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