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The screen then goes black, making everyone turn to Kara who's just watching everyone. "Now we've been sitting here for a while, so I say we feast, enjoy eachother;s company." Kara says. All the arkers eyes light up at the mention of food. "Food! Where?" Raven yells out of excitement. "Why are you so excited?" Lexa asks "There's not alot of food on the ark." Octavia explains. "The feast is prepared, go eat." Kara says as a buffet shows up in the back of the room.

The grounders mainly go for meat, the Legends go for something plain as they've pretty much eaten anything you can think of on the Waverider. The people of the ark went for anything and everything.

Everyone mainly sat with their group. Sara walks over to AJ's table which only consisted of her and her brother, Charles. "AJ right?" Sara asks the girl. "Yeah..." The girl trails off. "We agreed to spar during break and I mean now is a better time than any other."Sara says smirking at the girl. "I'll take you up on that deal, just give me a minute to see where we can get us some weapons." AJ says before walking over to Kara. "Hey Kara, since you're able to conjure us and everything can you conjure me and Sara some sparring lessons, nothing too drastic." AJ says. "Sure. Let's wait til everyone's done eating." Kara says making Aj nod before returning back to her table. "She said once everyone's done eating we can spar and of course an audience will be their." AJ says. "Well, it will surely be a pleasure." Sara says holding out her hand for AJ to shake. "May the best warrior win then." She says shaking Sara's hand. "Yeah." Sara says before turning back to her table with the Legends.

About 20 minutes later everyone is gathered in the theater space that Kara transformed into a training area for AJ and Sara. "Now the rules are simple first to tap is out, or ya know in a position that if the weapons we're real would kill you." Kara says noncahlantly. "Weapons of choice is on the wall, choose whatever." Kara says as the girls walk to the wall. "Same weapon, even playing field?" AJ asks Sara who nods as they both grab bo staffs. "Now as soon as I say go your all open to anything." Kara says. "GO!" She says waving her hand noting the start of the match. Everyone else is watching and a few taking bets before they actually strike. The bets are 45-160. Sara with 160.

Both girls walk around each other looking for blind spots in each other's posture. Sara strikes first with a quick hit to AJ's abdomen which she blocks with her sticks and goes to hit Sara's arm which is blocked. This goes on for a while before Sara hits AJ's legs tripping her. AJ gets back up and fakes a forward kick and instead does an Axe kick hitting Sara's shoulder. The two then start using the sticks again going faster and faster until Sara hits the back of AJ's legs and her bicep on her left arm leaving her kneed on the floor. "I tap." She says putting her hands up in surrender panting. Sara offers her hand which is taken.

"You fought well, for someone who lived in space with little training, that is." Sara says chuckling. "Aww, I just love backhanded compliments, they boost my ego so much." AJ says, chuckling with the girl. Everyone else watches stunned. "Money!" Mick screams, since he won the bets. "Here." Everyone says handing over the money Kara gave them.

"Who's up for playing never have I ever?" Kara asks looking at everyone who nods except for the groudners who are confused. "What is that?" Lincoln asks breaking the silence. "It's a drinking game. Someone asks a question and If you've done it you drink until we're all drunk out of our minds." Octivia explains. "Come on everyone sit rules have been told now we start." Kara says as everyone sits down.

"Never have I ever given a fake name" Clarke asks going first and eyeing everyone. All the Legends drink. "It kinda comes with the field of undercover missions." Sara explains. Everyone nods in understanding.

"Never have I ever been caught or heard when sleeping with someone?" Charles ask looking at his sister with a smirk on his face. Aj, Sara, Ava, Nate, Amiya, and Bellamy drink. "Oh ho ho. Wait a minute, AJ? I gotta hear this, you look so innocent and pure." Bellamy says looking at the girl. "Long story short, when the Ark says they're checking everywhere for something, they mean everywhere." AJ says as the group all laugh.

"Never have I ever broken the law?" Ray asks. All the arkers, legends excluding Amiya and Ray drink. "How have you've never broken one law. I mean it's impossible." Zari says looking at the grounders. "Anyone who has ever broken a law has been killed under my orders or have been imprisoned. The people I surround myself with would never break a law in fear of what would happen to them."Lexa says a little bit relaxed. Everyone side eye each other looking back-and-forth between the grounders and their group.

It goes on for a few hours of drinking until most of the people are straight up drunk. AJ, Sara, Lexa, and Mick are a bit tipsy but still in their right mind, so they all except Lexa, who's on edge,are talking amongst themselves while watching everyone else. "How'd your whole group come to be, I mean you all seem pretty close." AJ asks Sara while sipping on her beer. "We were recruited by this man and over the years we all just became friends and found love." Sara says looking at the group fondly but her gaze stays on Sara longer. "You really love her. I can tell by the look in your eyes." Aj says, bumping her shoulder with Sara. "Well she's perfect. What's not to love?" Sara says. Aj watches with a small smile on her face. "I hope to have that type of love one day. " AJ says, taking a few gulps of her beer. "I'm sure you will, I mean I never thought I would with my past and all." Sara says. "One day. Maybe future me, will show that epic love." AJ says a smile on her face now. She then scans the crowd, her eyes landing on Clarke and then Lexa "Never know." Sara says smirking seeing what AJ's eyes trail off to, rather who. "Feelings are a waste of time. They'll make you end up dead" Mick says bluntly before continuing to drink. "It's a long story for him." Sara says, making AJ nod.

"I'm surprised none of 'em have tried to make out with each other honestly." AJ says knowing how hormonal teenagers are as she's one. "Believe me, you and me both." Sara says as the two clink their beers.

"Most of my people are dating anyway so, it wouldn't matter unless they went haywire and kissed someone else." Sara says. "Well none of us are dating ya know being prisoners and all." AJ says shrugging. "Who's dating who. Point 'em out it'd help." AJ says scanning the party for the legends. "Well first we got me and Ava. The blonde female who's dancing drunkenly yet looks so precious." Sara says pointing to her girlfriend who is dancing with some of the arkers. "Next is Nate and Ray. The typical friends to lovers type, their both huge nerds. In my opinion a bit too much in common but that's just me." Sara says. "I get it, too much in common is a bit weird for me. While a few interests is good too much is a deal breaker for me ya know." AJ says to the girl. "Yeah I get it, kinda explains me and Ava." Sara says nodding. "Anyways, after those two we have Amiya and Zari, fun fact Amiya used to date Nate before he got with Ray. Mutual breakup thing though." Sara says to the girl while pointing to the couple who are simply laughing and talking to each other. "I know y'alls ship is exciting. Gotta visit one of these days." AJ says to Sara. "Open to it anytime." Sara says grinning to the girl. "I'ma take you up on that after this wild ride." AJ says finishing her beer and grabbing another."Yeah...we're gonna have to get them to bed ya know."Sara says. "Lucky us, but lets just leave 'em. It'd be funnier in the morning." AJ says. "Yeah night to you." Sara says getting up to get her girlfriend and go to bed. "Same to you." AJ says getting her brother and going to bed. 

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