Acumulando Tensoes

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Gathering tensions in Portuguese

Waking up, everyone releases a groan not not remembering much before getting knocked out. The prisoners remember being in their cells on the ark before being hit in the head. They all stand up and look around to see that while many of them are from the ark others are not, causing most to have a confused look take over their faces while others tense up at the unfamiliar surroundings and people. The grounders go into a fighting stance at the ark prisoners, ready to attack or defend if necessary.

“Well…this isn’t how I thought it’d go” a voice says, the person walking forward, their footsteps echoing throughout the room. This catches everyone's attention, making them all turn to see a light olive skinned woman, with shoulder length brunette hair and honey brown eyes walking towards them. “Now I’m going to simply state why you're all here.” she says motioning to the room that is now lit up to show a theater. “We are all here to watch the journey of the future. So everyone take a seat however you want. Introduce yourselves and then we’ll proceed to watch the upcoming future.” the girl, Kara, says motioning to the chairs on both sides.

Everyone hesitantly sits down the Trikru on one side and the ark group on the other side. “Well chop chop, introduce yourself…” She trails off making everyone look around and tilt their heads in a ‘What do we have to lose’ type look.

“Bellamy Blake”
“Octavia Blake, younger sister to Bellamy”
“Clarke Griffin”
“Raven Reyes”
“Monty Green”
“AJ Marshall”
"Kat Reed"
“Charles Marshall, AJ’s younger brother…unfortunately”

“I’m Kara, now a little background before we start, Everyone on the ground is not dead, the Legends are in cause a mission went wrong and you ended up on this earth and thought y’all should see the background of the people,and the rest is to be explained” Kara says pointing towards the white screen that's starting to glow, turning on behind her.

A.N. I know there are stories waiting to be updated. I'm going to update them today or tommorow. Until then enjoy the updates I release and this new story

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