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As you indulged in the movie, your thumb was caught between your teeth.

"What costume have you decided to wear for the Marvel-inspired party?" Elizabeth asked.

You averted your gaze from the television and inspected her from head to toe in a seemingly incredulous manner.

“Y/n, I'm being serious. You aren't thinking of going as Black Widow, are you?”

You relaxed into the sofa, beaming with a smile. “She's pretty hot. How can I not?”

Elizabeth, your friend, giggled and shook her head. “Well, you're not wrong.”

Directing your focus towards the television once more, you inquired, "And what about you?"

With a smug expression, she inspected her fingernails by gazing downwards. “Maybe I'll dress up as Spiderman.”

“More like Spiderwoman,” you commented as you giggled, and continued to simp over the red and black masked man that filled the screen.

Annoyed, Elizabeth hopped beside you. “Why do you like Deadpool so much?

You breathed out a laugh. “I mean, what's not to like? Look at that ass!”

“Can't beat Captain America's,” she sighed, appearing to be lost in thought, as if she was pulled into another dimension.

As you redirected your focus to the attractive individual on the screen, you playfully rolled your eyes and grinned. He's funny, hot, immortal and sarcastic as hell. My type for real you thought as you watched him slice up everyone.

While lost in your thoughts, you suddenly snapped back to reality with a burst of inspiration. "Oh my God, Beth!" you exclaimed excitedly, as you grabbed her arm and gently shook it.

“What happened? What did I miss?” she questioned as se looked around, trying to figure out why you were hyped up.

“I'm going to show up as Deadpool! A female version of the character.”

Elizabeth appeared surprised and began to speak, but was then was distracted by a movement in the kitchen.

Perplexed, you turned your head towards the noise and instinctively covered Elizabeth's mouth while attempting to identify the noise. Reaching for the remote, you lowered the volume of the TV and paused.

There was silence.


You let out a breath and unclasped your hand from her mouth.

“What was that about?” she asked as she tied her hair up into a ponytail.

“Oh, nothing I thought I heard—” but you stopped when you heard the clattering of what seemed to be utensils.

Your breathing hitched and Beth went into defense mode, grabbing the remote from your hand and getting ready to launch it.

“What the hell was that?” your voice dropped to a whisper.

Beth shrugged her shoulders, her body vibrating from the adrenaline.

“Zombie or not, show yourself!” You looked at her, your eyebrows pinched together in confusion.

I mean, who says that?

Beth shrugged her shoulders but it seemed to have worked, because something sprung up suddenly, and Beth swung the remote while screaming like crazy.

You heard a male utter a grunting sound and turned your head towards the kitchen to find a person wearing a Spiderman outfit. With one hand massaging his head and the other raised in defeat, he groaned, "It's me, Dash.”

He removed his mask, his hair drenched and discheveled.

Storming forward, you banged your fist in his stomach, earning a painful grunt.

"What the hell are you doing in my house, and how'd you get in?”

Dash held his stomach while he spoke. “I thought maybe I'd surprise you with the new costume I was going to wear for the party, and the back door was opened so I invited myself in. I wanted to surprise you guys!”

Beth shook her head and walked over, slowly slapping his cheek before shaking her head. “Don't ever do that again.”

He nodded his head and bent down, retrieving the remote which was now missing the back cover and one battery. “You hit me with a remote?”

“Hey, no judging. I would've launched anything that was in my sight.”

You shook your head, bent down, and searched for the remaining battery. “Nice. Now my remote's probably broken.”

“Forget that. Lets start preparing for the party tommorow. My sister said she'll make your costumes!”

Quickly waking up on your hands, you dusted your fingers, your eyes sparkling with desire. “Can she make a Deadpool costume, one that can fit perfectly on my body?”

Dash looked you up and down, taking a quick glance of your breast before his eyes met yours. “Ofcourse she can! I'll send her a quick text and let her know.”

He pulled out his phone from somewhere inside his suit and started tapping the screen, profusely.

“What about you, Beth?” you asked as you followed her to the kitchen.

“That's fine. I've already ordered mine online.” She pulled out the tub of ice-cream she brought earlier and setted it on the table.

“And sent!” Dash said, his voice laced with enthusiasm.

Great! This is going to be the best party ever!

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