Chapter Twenty-Seven

Start from the beginning

A drunk Tobias Snape drunkenly made his way over to the girl furiously, unbuckling his leather belt as Silvia put her hands up to her face and brought her knees up to her chest in the corner of the kitchen.

"Stupid insolent, freak of a child! You and your bastard of a brother ruined my life the moment you were born" He slurred.

Tears streamed down young Silvia's face as she shut her eyes, attempting to block out the situation around her. 'One..Two..Three..Four..Five..Six..Seven..Eight..Nine..'

She counted in her head trying to distract her mind from the whips of her father's belt tainting her small body. She felt warm liquid travel down her cheek as her body internally screamed for help, as her body squirmed in pain.

She stopped her crying, realising that nobody was there to help, realising that Tobias Snape enjoyed her pain. She was not going to allow him to seek any pleasure in doing this to her or her brother anymore.

Her cheek was stinging after her father had brought his hand upon it, smacking her viciously. She swallowed the strong taste of metal in her mouth.

Her mind began to become fuzzy as small, black dots began to cloud her vision. Her ears were ringing and as if her body became immune to the pain, she couldn't feel the whips at all. She could just see them. But all she could see, was the thunderous, venomous look on her father's face as he punished her, as he beat her black and blue.

In her head, Silvia was secretly hoping that she'd fall asleep soon. That her body wouldn't be able to take anymore of the pain and that it finally surrendered. She wanted her mother. She wanted her brother to walk through that door any minute and swoop her up in his arms, telling her that everything will be okay and that they wouldn't have to see that man ever again.

She prayed..

And prayed..

And prayed..

She closed her eyes, wanting to rest them for just a moment. She felt the crimson-red liquid trickle down her body as it sat there curled up in the corner of  Number Six Spinners End's kitchen. All she could see was darkness as she fell out of consciousness.

Walking home from Lily's earlier then planned, Severus hoped that his sister had been fine on her own with their father. He knew how cruel the man was and in all honesty, he was scared to leave her alone. But, Lily was waiting for him and Silvia insisted that he go. Silvia didn't want to go with him to visit Lily, which was strange as they were all best friends but he didn't question it.

As he neared further to their home, high-pitched screams of terror rung in his ears, he immediately recognised the screams as his sister's and he began to sprint as fast as his legs would allow him to back to his home.

As if her mother had heard her pleas for help, the back door of the house swung open and in ran Severus with a face of thunder and panic.

"Father! Stop it!" Screamed Severus at his crazed, drunken father who was still whipping his baby sister mercilessly.

Seeing his father continue to beat his little sister, he ran towards him and shoved him hard onto the floor, stepping in-front of Silvia in a protective manner, eyes burning with rage and hatred.

"Touch her again, and I swear I will kill you without a second thought." said Severus coldy as he scooped his sister into his arms and took them both upstairs, locking them inside his room.

End of flashback

Severus shook his sister violently as tears streamed down her face, "Silvia, breathe."

Severus helped Silvia to inhale and exhale, her breathing began to return back to its normal pace, Severus smiled softly, "That's good Silv, you're okay".

Silvia's breathing slowed back into its normal pace as her body stopped shaking. Severus had closed the blinds in their carriage as he pulled Silvia into his chest and stroked her back reassuringly. "It's okay, Silvia. You're safe."

Still in a small daze, Silvia looked up at her brother, "Severus, why did father hate us?"

Severus frowned, his eyes staring into his sister's, why was she bringing him up?

Severus's eyes darkened as he began speaking monotonously, "Silvia, that man was cruel and spiteful. He hated everyone, you didn't deserve him. Neither of us did, what he did to us was evil and cruel. We were born into a family that doesn't always appreciate us, but one day that's going to change. One day, we will move on from the trauma that we went through and we will be happy. You'll be happy."

Silvia's eyes clouded with tears slightly again as she asked, "But, why Sev? Why didn't he love us? What did we do to him that made him hate us so much?"

Severus looked at his sister helplessly as he sighed, "I don't know Silv"

Silvia dried her eyes with a tissue Severus had given her as she spoke again, "You know...I tried to forgive him and continue to love him after everything, but I just couldn't"

Severus grasped his sister's small hands into his larger ones as he looked into a pair of eyes, symmetrical to his own, "That is because deep down, you know that he truly did not deserve your love. Love is when someone makes you feel wanted and appreciated, Tobias did not contribute to any of that."

Silvia smiled sadly as her brother continued, "Love is a funny thing, it can mend someone, but it can also break them. I want you to remember something, I want you to remember that we accept the love we think we deserve. You couldn't forgive Tobias because deep down, you know that you are better and are worth so much more than you will ever know".

Silvia hummed in agreement as she sat up, "Promise me that you'll always be with me?"

Severus's lips tugged into a smile, "Always".

a/n: kind of a depressing one ngl but i feel like we needed a bit of silv and sev bonding.

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