Chapter Nineteen (EDITED)

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The two ran as Harry continued to ask questions, the bells tolls being a constant reminder that they had to hurry as time was running out

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The two ran as Harry continued to ask questions, the bells tolls being a constant reminder that they had to hurry as time was running out.

The two ran across the bridge which they had been on just an hour before. "Hermione! Hermione, wait." Hermione continued to ignore him as the two ran.

"Hermione, will you please tell me what it is we're doing-"

The two came to a stop, Hermione looked horrified as they watched the scene before them.

"Ahh come to see the show?" spoke Malfoy

"You foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach!" spat Hermione as she raised her wand to him.

"That's us" whispered Harry as he watched.

"Hermione, no! He's not worth it" Ron said.

"This is not normal" spoke Harry, Hermione yanked Harry backwards and shoved him against a wall untucking the time-turner from her jacket speaking rushed but calmly,

"This is a time-turner, Harry. McGonagall gave it to me first term. This is how i've been getting to my lessons all year."

Harry's eyes widened, "You mean, we've gone back in time?"

Hermione nodded, "Yes" she continued, "Dumbledore obviously wanted us to return to this moment."

Hermione peered back around, "Cleary something happened that he wants us to change"

Harry snorted, "It definitely isn't you smacking Malfoy"

Hermione shook her head, laughing as Harry said, "Good punch"

"Thanks" said Hermione smiling as she watched Malfoy hold his nose.

Malfoy and his goons started running in their direction, Hermione grabbed Harry "Malfoy's coming"

The jumped through the wall and ducked, making sure they weren't caught. After all, bad things can happen when you meddle with time.

"I'm gonna get that jumped-up mudblood" Malfoy spat as he ran past.

Hermione followed their doubles and Ron's as they watched from the top of the pathway. Their past-selves were going to Hagrid's.

"Look," spoke Harry happily, "Buckbeak's still alive."

Hermione realised something, "Of course! Remember what Dumbledore said? If we succeed, more than two innocent lives may be spared"

"Let's go" whispered Hermione, her and Harry ran down the stair pathway towards Hagrid's Hut.

The two hid behind the pile of pumpkins as they watched their past-selves inside the Hut. The cawing of crows caught their attention as they turned around, The Minister was coming with Dumbledore and The Executioner.

"Here they come. I'd better hurry" muttered Harry.

Harry went to stand up, but Hermione yanked him back down whispering harshly, "Fudge has to see Buckbeak before we still him. Otherwise, he'll think Hagrid set him free."

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