2| Rebel

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"So what nightclub are we heading to?" I ask. "Rebel" Christian says with a smile. "Are you familiar with it?" Mitchel asks. "Yeah, really familiar with it actually, me and Aleia used to go there all the time, isn't that right Leia?" I ask turning to her smiling.

Clinton has his arm around her and her head is laying on him. They sure are taking things fast. "Shit man yeah, it's been a while" She says laughing. "So why'd y'all stop going?" Mitchel asks.

Aleia looks at me and I look back at her. We laugh softly. Mitchel looks at both of us confused.

"Does she have a boyfriend or something?" Mitchel asks. "No no not at all" Aleia says laughing again. "Then what is it?" Mitchel asks starting to sound a little annoyed.

"An ex boyfriend" I say. "Oh" Mitchel says. I quickly look over to Aleia, hoping she'll come in and save this conversation. She quickly takes the hint and gets up from laying on Clinton.

"So Christian, you didn't bring a girl?" Aleia says.

"Well you see, I too had my eyes on someone" He says turning to Mitchel. He roles his eyes.

At first me and Aleia are confused, we look at each other puzzled, why didn't he shoot his shot?

But it seems we got the memo at the same time.

Christian had his eyes on me?

Aleia puts her hand over her mouth and then turns to Clinton. She raises and eyebrow to see if he too caught on. He lets out a chuckle and shakes his head.

I turn to look at both of the boys. Christian is leaning on the door, looking out the window, and Mitchel is just side eying him.


Mitchel then breaks the tension and turns over to look at me smiling.

"Why won't you lay on me like Leia is with Clint?" He asks.

I lean over to his ear and whisper:

"Let's be real here Mitch, what Clinton and Aleia are trying to build there, is way different then what's going on here, we all know you just want to get in my pants" I softly say and then back away.

"What?" Mitchel says looking up at me with sorry eyes. As if I got the wrong impression. But i've been through this before. I know guys inside and out. Laying on him would just make things a lot more harder.

"We've arrived" The driver says.

Mitchel gets out first, holding the door open for me, and grabbing my hand.

He leans into my ear.

"I'm sorry, that's not the way I was trying to come off, you've got the wrong idea"

I look at him once again with no emotion, and continue walking, Christian takes the door to hold it for Leia and Clint, and Mitchel follows me.

I stop my tracks to wait for the others. Mitchel comes over and grabs my hand to hold it. He looks at me again. "I'm sorry".

I just give him a small smile.

Finally, the others join us.

"You have no idea how excited I am" Aleia says to me and Clinton. I could tell she's literally on cloud 9 right now.

Christian comes over to me and we start walking, Mitchel still by my side, just a little further then usual.

"I think you'll like it, they've done some changes, it looks a lot more amazing in there then it already did before" Christian says smiling.

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