1| Cold Nights Tour

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"I already told you, no! I'm not going to some stupid concert." I exclaim.

"It's better then you sitting here dreading your break up with Atlas for the 100th time" My friend Aleia says, continuing to follow me around the kitchen, as I was trying to get stuff done.

I roll my eyes. "I'm not dreading shit Aleia, and I really don't know why you're still trying" I say grabbing a dish off the table and putting it in the sink.

I was not appreciating this conversation, as I had so much to do.

She grabs my wrist.

"You've done so much for me, let me do something for you"

At this point, i'll feel guilty if I say no.

She gives me puppy dog eyes which will NOT, work on me, but considering i've let her live in my apartment for free, I guess she kinda did owe me something.

"Alright fine" I say giving her a genuine smile.

She starts bouncing up and down like a little kid. I didn't know me agreeing to this concert would make her so happy.

"Thank you thank you thank you!!" she exclaims.

"Alright, alright, don't make me regret saying yes" I laugh reaching my hand in the sink to try and finish the dishes.

"We have no time for that! We have to get ready right now to leave in an hour!" She yells at me.

I turn to her in shock.

"Aleia.. you mean to tell me this concert is today?" I ask. "It's really not my fault, i've been begging you since I got the tickets! Now come on!"

I run into my room stressed out about how short notice this was to me.

But yes, to be fair, she has been begging since she got them.

But I usually like to plan my outfits in advance, and a concert is something i'm not used to going to.

I've only ever been to one, and I was like 12, and it was a One Direction concert.

I've heard a few Chase Atlantic songs, they're all Aleia ever talks about. I try to avoid giving her aux in the car as much as possible, as that's the only music she plays.

I will admit, they do have some good songs from what I heard Aleia play. Numb to the Feeling is probably my favourite. But if I listened to them more i'd probably like some others.

I put together pieces of my clothing together, trying to find something that matches their music's vibe.

I don't know much about Chase Atlantic, I'm only going for Aleia, and I'm going to have to blend in with the rest of the crowd.

Eventually, I find something that blends well.

I step forward to the mirror and take a look.



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