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{ 6 Years Later }

I was standing in balcony, looking up at the moon and stars.

Today mark 6 years of the day since Jimin kidnapped me and Y/N. She actually killed him that day. Her intentions was not to kill him but it happened accidentally when she was trying to take the gun from him.

Jongin, on the other hand was just unconscious so now he is gonna spend the rest of his life behind the bars.

Whatever happened that day left me traumatized for some months. I was scared to go out by myself. I didn't wanted to left alone even in my own house. I always wanted Y/N to stay close to me. I became so clingy towards her that it was almost annoying but she never let me feel that way.

At first, she was afraid to touch me because she thought it would make me uncomfortable but it wasn't like that. She can never make me feel uncomfortable. She always took care of me without any complaints.

Me and Y/N got married three years ago with only our family members and close friends in attendance. It wasn't a big wedding but it was everything I have always wanted.

A year after that we welcomed our first child in this world who made our life even more bright and joyful.

Kim Su-yeong

Our 2 years old daughter

When I was pregnant with her, Y/N was even more careful towards me. She used to massage my back and feet and never refused to purchase whatever I was craving, even if it was in the middle of the night.

My most favourite thing was, when she used to talk to my belly and rub it, no matter how tired she was after a long day in office.

I could never forget the day when she was born. I was so nervous when I went into labour but Y/N was even more nervous than me. It was a sight to see her running around the whole house like a headless chicken.

I thought she would faint after seeing the baby but she didn't.

I was so exhausted after giving birth so I slept, but she stayed awake for the whole night staring at our daughter.

I was actually woken up next day when I heard our daughter cry while Y/N was trying her best to stop her from crying.

She was scared to even pick her up for the first time, so when I told her to pick her up, her face turned pale.

My chest was filled with pride, amazement and mostly love, when I saw her pick up our daughter like she was afraid she would break her.

While, I was breastfeeding her, Y/N was trying so hard to stay awake but it was almost impossible because she was too tired.

After I fed our daughter I laid her on my right side and told Y/N to lay down on my left. She refused at first but she was too tired to argue with me about it.

As soon as she laid her head on my chest, she was out like a light.

When Jisoo and Chaeyoung came to visit that day, they didn't stop teasing me about how I will have to deal with two kids now.

I chuckled softly at my memories when I realised they were right. She is indeed my baby.

Park corporations was actually passed down to Chaeyoung because she was the oldest one between the two of them but she didn't wanted to handle it. So, she gave it Y/N.

At first, Y/N refused because she lacked confidence and was very nervous about it but I reassured her that I will be there to help her in every way. She accepted the offer after my reassurance.

Now, she is the CEO of Park Corporations and the company is running smoothly, so much better than when her parents handled it. I am so proud of her for that.

I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist making me startle a bit but I quickly relaxed and leaned back knowing it was my big baby. She nuzzled her head into my neck which caused me to sigh softly.

"Why are you up at this time?" she asked.

"Just came downstairs to get some water and got lost in my own thoughts. Why are you here though?"

"I woke up but you weren't there so I came to search for you. Let's go, I miss your warmth."

I chuckled softly at her words and started walking toward the stairs but let out a Yelp when she picked me up bridal style.

"I can walk."

"I know that but I love to carry you. You are even lighter than feather."

"I know I'm not lightweight but we are not gonna argue about that because I know you will win, like always."

"I always win because I'm right."

I just rolled my eyes with a soft smile on my face and put my head on her shoulder.

She took me upstairs and led me on the bed then put her head on my chest as always and covered us with duvet.

"Good Night." she said already half asleep.

"Good Night MY LOVE."

I closed my eyes with a soft smile on my lips, happy and content with my life.


So, this story has finally came to an end. I never thought I would be able to complete this but here I am. Thanks to everyone who supported me and special thanks for giving this story 100k+ views in just a month.


I know this story have a lot of grammatical mistakes and some chapters are cringe. Even I laughed at myself after writing some of the parts. I promise I will try to improve my writing and come back with another story, which will definitely make you cry. (◍•ᴗ•◍)

Special thanks to 007vpkrit for helping me when I was lost.


Again, thanks a lot for all the support. Wait for my next story, till then...

अलविदा ~
[ Good Bye ~ ]

→ Navi♥️
[1033 words]

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