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When I woke up this morning, my whole body was aching. It was almost impossible for me to even move a muscle. I just wanted to stay in my bed for some days but I couldn't. I have school, I can't miss anymore of my classes. Beside if I stayed here Jimin will definitely beat me again.

I think whatever happened is somehow related to Jennie but I'm not sure about it. I just want to get out of here because I feel suffocated. I wish I could run away from here but it's not the right right time for that.

Graduation is in April's first week. It's on the same day as my birthday, the day I will finally turn 18. There was a time when I thought about running away after I turn 18 and graduate High School but now I know it's not that simple.

My family owns a multi-million company and they have connections everywhere. Before I could even leave this place they will quickly catch me. I don't even want to think about what will happen to me after that. Them having connections is also the main reason why I can't tell anyone about me getting abused. It will definitely backfire on me because no one's gonna believe.

I painfully got up from my bed and walked toward my bathroom. I took a quick shower then changed into fresh clothes and slowly started walking downstairs. I didn't wanted anyone to see me especially Jimin. If he will beat me again I might die this time, who knows.

I silently walked toward the door continuously checking my surrounding to make sure no one is here, just like a thief. I was almost out of the door when I heard a sharp voice which almost made me jump.

“After seeing your skills, I think your career as an thief will be very successful.”

I quickly turned around to see my sister staring directly at me. I would have definitely replied back if I wasn't too shocked. I have never heard my sister make sarcastic comments but again we never talked and spend time with each other so I think it's one of her personalities. My sister started walking toward me which made me confused but quickly got shocked when she handed me a neatly packed lunch box.

“Leave before he sees you.” she said and walked back to the kitchen where she came out from.

So many thoughts were clouding my head but i listened to sister's advice and quickly left realising she was right. While walking toward the school I was holding that damn lunch box in my hand and was staring at it like it was a treasure or something.

It was a treasure, at least for me. Some people were looking at me weirdly but I couldn't care less. They don't know how much this lunch box meant to me so it's understandable because if I was in their place I would have also looked at myself like I was a creep or something.

I had 3 classes before lunch then another 2 after that. I was waiting patiently for lunch because I couldn't wait to eat whatever my sister cooked for me.

When lunch came I happily walked toward the tree where I always sit. I happily sat there and ate it. My eyes got teary while finishing the food because of three reasons.

First, this lunch was cooked by my sister who never cooks for anyone, not even our parents and Jimin. Her boyfriend is the only person she ever cooked for because no matter how he was, she still loved him. Her cooking for me made me feel special.

Second, i haven't eaten anything for more than twenty four hours so I was really grateful that my sister gave me lunch to eat. She cared about me. <yasss!>

Third, my back and shoulders were hurting. Yes, they were still hurting. The worst thing is I have PT in last period which I was dreading because I am afraid I will faint. I just hope I don't.

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