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As soon as I entered my room, I slam the door shut and jumped on my bed. I buried my face in my pillow and let out a scream.

Why my life is so messed up?

Why God !?

I turned on my back and stared at the ceiling thinking about everything that happened in past few days. Yesterday me and Chaeyoung talked about everything after we reached our house.

She told me how mom and dad told her to stay away from me because I am a disgusting little thing, when she was a child. She believed everything they said and continued on hating me. I can't blame her because most of the time childrens learn from their parents, so she must have thought they are teaching her something great.

When she got older and started to get mature, she slowly but surely started realising that our parents were wrong. She also thought about apologising to me but before that could even happen she met Kim Jongin aka her ex-boyfriend.

She fell so hard for him and Jongin took advantage of that. When she told him about all of this she thought he would give him a good advice but he didn't. Instead, he told her that our parents were right and she shouldn't waste her time on me.

The worst part is she believed everything he said because she was head over heels for him. But that changed when she met a girl named Lisa Manobal aka her college best friend.

Lisa was a lesbian and she opened Chaeyoung's eyes about LGBTQ+ community. Still Chaeyoung didn't did anything to stop all the abuse because Jongin hated me and she loved him. She was afraid if she will try to talk to me Jongin will leave her so she didn't. She just sat there seeing me getting abused.

One day Jongin and her had a big fight because Jongin wanted Chaeyoung to have foursome with him and two other people. Chaeyoung declined the offer and that's when the big fight happened. After the fight she ran away from there crying.

Imagine how shocked she was when she went there after some days to surprise him but saw him having foursome instead with other 2 girls and another boy. That was the day when she broke up with him and realised that he never loved her. It was always a one sided love.

She talked for hours telling me everything. By the time she was finished my head was hurting with so much informations.

She said that she will stood up for me and stop them from abusing me but I knew what will happen after that. They will also start treating her like a trash and I didn't wanted that to happen.

I told her not to do any of that and act like she still hated me. Ofcourse she disagreed with me but agreed later on.

She also teased me about me liking Jennie. I was shocked because I thought it was my little secret. I asked her with a red face how she knew about that but when she saw my blushing face she just laughed. Needless to say I was even redder than before which made her laugh even harder.

When she finally calmed down she told me that she knew by the look on my face that I liked her every time I saw her. She also told me that Jennie also liked me because she always used to stare at me that's why Jimin forbid me from talking to her. I didn't believed her and thought Jimin forbid me from talking to Jennie because he knew I liked her, not because she liked me too. But, oh well!!

When Jennie confessed her feelings to me today I was really shocked to find out that the women I liked actually liked me back too but she don't know about me being intersex. If she will found out about that I am sure she will leave me.

Besides if Jimin knew about us being together he would have definitely killed me this time. In the end I knew I had to reject her because we could never be together, we just can't.

A tear left my eye when I remembered the heart broken look on her face and got angry on myself because I was the reason of that heart broken look.

I didn't realised I fell asleep overthinking about everything until I felt someone shaking my shoulder to wake me up. I slowly rubbed my eyes open to see Chaeyoung standing beside my bed with a plate of food in her hands.

Did I forget to tell you that Chaeyoung promised to bring me food everyday because she knew I had to sleep with empty stomach many times? Yes, I did.

“Why are you sleeping in these clothes? Go change before the food gets cold.” she said. I just nodded my head and went to change into my sleepwear.

After I walked out of the bathroom I settled on the bed and started eating the food Chaeyoung brought for me

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After I walked out of the bathroom I settled on the bed and started eating the food Chaeyoung brought for me.

I was quietly eating the food because I was still thinking about everything. I know I made the right decision by rejecting Jennie, atleast I think I did.

“Is something bothering you? You have been so quiet today.”

I looked beside me to see Chaeyoung looking at me with a curious and worried look plastered on her face. I sighed and decided to tell her everything because I really needed to talk to someone about it.

I told her everything from start to end. She was quiet for a while until I felt her smack my head, quite hard.

“Are you dumb or something? Why didn't you told her about everything? Why the fuck you rejected the poor girl?” she said looking a little bit pissed of at me.

“I couldn't just tell her that the person she have taken a liking to is a freak. Could I?” I said.

“Y/N I know you are scared but you have to tell her. It depends on her if she stay or leave after that otherwise you will always regret not telling her. There will be always a voice in your head which will ask you that what would have happened if you had told her the truth.”

I thought about it a little and agreed. I was still a little bit unsure if I should tell her or not but I knew my sister was right.

After that Chaeyoung left and I also went to sleep thinking about my future and Jennie.

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