House of Cards

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"It's time for you to learn how to Dream Walk." Drina nodded as she Zoey, "You need to know how to it yourself so you don't have to rely on others."

They were in the newly built holo-room in the Command Center in Angel Grove and Drina was trying to work on some more complicated spells with her, away from other people.

"Okay. It starts with meditation, doesn't it?" Zoey asked, looking at her teacher. "I mean, it's about clearing the mind, isn't it?"

"It's part of it. One of the reasons I waited until we can come back here is because it might cause you to lose control. You could end up in the control of Phaedra or the Mystic Mother again. If that happens, it's easier if I keep watch over you, as things seem to be escalating in Reefside. Your brother and the other Rangers need to focus on their task at hand."


"Now, have a seat and close your eyes. Focus on your magic." Drina circled around Zoey, feeling the girl's magic flare out. "Good. Remember the feeling of being pulled in. Grab a hold of it. Make it yours."

Zoey magic steadied as she felt what she was looking for and locked it in.

"Good. Now, think of what you want to see. Past, present or future. Magic in its truest form is simple. All you have to do is want something and let yourself have it. Now take it!" Though Zoey stayed sitting up, Drina knew when she Walked. She felt it. "Good girl. Now, where'd you go?"


"Ok, we've got stegosaurus, brachiosaurus, brontosaurus," Tommy told the class as he stood at the board. "What are some other herbivores from that era?" He looked around room. When nobody raised their hands, he looked to Ethan. "Ethan, you should know this." Ethan didn't react. "Ethan, you alright?" Tommy frowned at the boy. "Could somebody tell me what the problem is?" He asked, looking over at the other Rangers.

"He and Devin were playing that Dragon Wars game and Principal Randall confiscated their cards." Andysighed, sharing a look with Raina, "I gotta admit, it was pretty brutal. You should've seen their faces when she took them."

She nodded, "Poor babies."

"Dragon Wars?" Tommy frowned. "Isn't that a kids game?" He asked, and both Andy, Raina and Kira started laughing. Jenna had to cover her mouth to stop herself from reacting.

"Come on! It's a game of strategy for all ages!" Ethan told him, speaking up.

"Well, I hate to side with Randall on this, but you know you can't play cards at school," Tommy pointed out as Ethan blushed furiously.

"Doctor O, she took the Ruby Dragon card!" Ethan told him desperately.

"Yeah, Dr. Oliver, it was brutal man," Devin nodded.

Tommy sighed as he exchanged looks of resignation with Jenna. "Alright, look,I'll talk to her after school." He said, and Ethan brightened up. "Maybe I can get them back. But for now, can you guys please pay attention?"

"Hey, anything for you Doctor O," Ethan told him.

"It's just a freaking card game." Jenna muttered, "Give me a break."


Zoey blinked her eyes as she focus back in to the room, "Whoa. Not what I intended to see."

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