Bully for Ethan

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Chapter 16: Bully for Ethan

"No freaking way." Andy looked at Jenna in shock, laughing as they walked through the school grounds, "I can't believe it!"

"Which part? Raina coming to her rescue and wanting to be just like her? Or Zoey threatening the guys with secrets that could get them into enough trouble that their grandchildren will be paying the price?"

"No, actually, I can believe both of those." Jenna chuckled as he rolled his eyes, "I mean, Raina already has a big attitude and she's always looked up to the way Zoey is. Trust me, I know. She's my best friend." He shook his head, "And there's no surprise in Zoey blackmailing anyone. She's got more dirt on every Ranger team currently in existence. Trust me. I believe it."

"Then what?"

"That she finally got that personal time with Nick that our brothers and their friends have been determined to keep from happening." He smirked, "Do they love to interfere or what?"

"You've got that right. I've been getting all of my personal time with Hunter since they joined us in Blue Bay."

"That little house of theirs on the beach, right?"

"Yep. It's where Blake goes on his days off, with Tori, and where Hunter and I meet for quiet time. His students are loud, and Leanne gets on his ever-loving nerves. She's constantly hovering and giving him more and more work to do to keep him from leaving the Academy. Sensei Omino had to help last time and keep her distracted."

"Why is she doing that?"

"She hates my guts and She's not a fan of Tori's either." She paused, "Blake spilled the beans. Apparently, if you're not Thunder Ninjas, then you're not good enough for her little brothers."

"So, she's a snob."


"Head's up!" They look over to see a soccer ball fly over and hit Ethan's laptop.

"Oops." They exchanged looks and ran over to Conner, who was trying to keep the peace.

"First of all, my name is Ethan, not Geek." Andy winced as they got there, catching the Blue Ranger's words. This was not going to be good. "And out of this whole field, you had to kick the ball over there? You really do need practice!"

"Well, look, Ethan. This is my field." The jock smirked, "And I can kick the ball wherever I want to." Jenna just pinched her nose, smiling as Andy snickered.

"Obviously everywhere but the net." Ethan mocked, making Andy laugh more.

"That's it!" The jock went to swing a punch at their friend, but Conner block it.

"Enough!" Jenna stepped in between them, glaring at the guy that was being held back by Conner, "Party's over, Jock Boy. Get to stepping."

"Just who do you think you are?" Her eyes narrowed as she stepped closer to him.

"Somebody who's going to kick your ass if you don't listen and get the hell out of here."

"She's not playing, Derek." Conner pulled on the kid's arm, "You don't want to mess with her. She will take you out. Not to mention that she's not a student. She's a teacher's aide and has the ability to take you up to the office."

Derek hesitated, "You watch yourself, dweeb," He snarled, looking at Ethan.

"Derrick, chill," Conner pushed him back as Andy grabbed Ethan's arm. Conner shot him a warning look and followed the other jock off the field.

"Stupid, idiotic jock." Jenna muttered, pulling out her phone to contact Zoey for the 411 on the situation, "Save me from dumb ass boys."


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