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Newtech City: 2028

An alarm blared at the Space Patrol Delta base on Earth, earning the attention of everyone there.

"Power Rangers, report to delta command immediately!"

A female voice rang out loudly over the intercoms; before a group of seven cadets sprinted into the Command Center, and approached their Commander who was standing near the computer with his tech analyst.

"What's going on?" The leader, Jack, whose grey SPD uniform was outlined in red, looked up at their canine commander.

"Grumm is gone, and so is his ship," Commander Cruger informed them, taking the group by surprise.

"Yes," Sky, the one in blue, smiled, "he's retreated!"

"We've won!" Jack cheered loudly, and five of the seven Rangers cheered.

"Enough!" Their cheering was quickly cut off by their Commander's order.

"Hello, hello!" Jack grinned up at him. "You said it yourself, Grumm is gone!" the Red Ranger pointed out.

"Yes, he's gone, but I know my enemy," Cruger told them. "He does not retreat."

"The Commander has a point." Zanna, whose uniform was purple and one of the two who hadn't cheered, turned from her station, "Someone like Grumm, after everything he's done, will never retreat. He's up to something."

"And it's not good." Holt, whose uniform was outlined in silver, looked over from his own computer, "We need to be prepared for anything."

"Commander, I found something," Kat spoke up from the mainframe, "I was scanning the Turnerian Nebula when I found this." the screen brought up an image of a strange hole that was surrounded by whirling colors of blue and green.

"A wormhole?" Cruger scowled.

"Yes. A temporal wormhole. There are traces of Troobian energy inside the rim."

Zanna nodded, "Wormholes are specific and not to be confused with a Time Hole, a tear in the Fabric of Time, which can take you to any time, randomly."

"Which is accurate," Holt smiled, "as Time Holes can appear randomly anywhere in the world. Quite dangerous if you sucked into one."

"Still sounds like retreating to me." Jack commented.

"That's what he wants us to think," Cruger spoke as he turned around.

"Sir, then where is he going?" Sky frowned.

"That's not the question you need to ask." Another voice spoke as a guy in a grey and black uniform with a GSA officer's badge walked over.

"Enlighten me then, Officer Navarro." Sky rolled his eyes.

The new guy smirked, "It's a Temporal Wormhole, Cadet." Sky frowned in frustration, "Do you know what Temporal means?"

Zanna chuckled, "The question is 'When' is he going to?"

Reefside High School: 2004

The school bell rang, signaling the end of the day. They relaxed at the benches in front of the school, just hanging out. Kira practised a new song that she had been writing, Ethan was playing a video game beside her and Trent was laying on the grass, sketching.

"Great!" Ethan's exclamation made Andy and Raina, who were sparring, look over.

"Aw, what's wrong Tricera Boy?" Raina snickered, "Did you die?"

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