Triassic Triumph

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"Someone looks pretty happy today," Andy smiled as he entered Cyberspace with Conner, Ethan and Kira. Hayley looked up from the glass she had been cleaning and nodded with a smile.

"Oh, hey," she smiled "Its just good to have Trent back," and she glanced back to the place where Trent was waiting tables.

Conner snickered, "Yeah, with the new attitude adjustment he seems almost likeable."

"I heard that," Trent announced, as he walked up and handed the empty glasses to Hayley, "Two more Cyber-berry Blasts, please."

"Coming right up," Hayley smiled, heading off to make them.

"You did help her while Trent was out being an Evil Tommy Knock-Off, right?" Raina asked, wiping down the bar.

"Me, Zoey and Jenna... and Ethan when he wasn't breaking glasses." Andy smirked.

"Evil Tommy Knock-Off?" Trent glared, "Should I be offended?"

"Nah." Raina shook her head, "You just haven't gotten your full Ranger history yet. Don't worry. You'll get there."

The group laughed for a moment before Conner turned back to Trent, "Speaking of getting there," he looked a little concerned, "how's it going getting back to normal?"

"Fantastic!" he grinned "I feel like a new man."

"We're just glad to have the old man back," Kira told him "You're one of us now. No more secrets"

He nodded, "You're right. No more secrets."


"How is she doing that?" Tommy asked, sitting in the lab next to Drina and Jenna as they watched Zoey meditating, "Did you teach her that?"

"That's actually part of the Swoop Technique in Pai Zhuq." Jenna nodded, "I can do it, but I'm not really a fan of it." She chuckled, "No pun intended."

"Are we supposed to understand that?"

"Not really."

"Okay then." He tilted his head as he studied his sister meditating, floating up by the ceiling, "That's unreal."

"That's Pai Zhuq." Jenna smirked, "The Swoop Technique is why I wanted to train in Battle Fans in my Ninja Training. I held off for awhile, but I picked it up once I joined the Temple. But, that's where I started excelling in discus throwing. Gotta love a good Chakram."

When the computer beeped, they turned to see Conner, Ethan and Kira getting attacked by Zeltrax, a new monsters and... "Trent?!"

Jenna's words brought Zoey down from the ceiling, "What?" She watched for a moment and shook her head, "Bro, call Trent and Andy. Something's wrong. I can feel it."

"That's not Trent."

"No, it's not."


"So you stopped Zeltrax." The Evil Ranger growled, "Try to stop my Terrorsaurus."

"Let me show you the extent of my powers." The monsters started walking forwards, "You will be defeated."

"Not on our watch!" Blast shot out, knocking the bad guys off their feet. Trent, on his ATV, and Andy, on his Bike, rode in for the save. They stopped in front of their friends and got off their rides, "Hey, guys," Trent cracked his knuckles, "thought we'd join the fun." The two guys braced themselves, right to fight.



"Who is who?"

"Guys, it's me." Trent explained as they watched the villains regroup with Zeltrax.

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