Mission and Momo matruing nature

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After Momo spent time with Izuku in America as they both reunited as a couple. They spent a lot of time together as they are now fiancés. Both agreed that they would get married once he gets back from his job. As Izuku left Loid and Yor taught Momo how to learn laws and have connections and use them for good. As Momo was doing that she opened up her own company which made her parents see that that she can be independent if Izuku ever leaves for missions. It made both of them smile that Momo is doing things on her own of course she can become dependent when Izuku is around since they both leave in the same place. A few months after Momo mature herself adult wise Momo has gotten Loid agency form as he is proud of her along with Yor.

Both Loid and Yor has retired now and left everything in Momos care. During the time that Momo was doing these things Izuku is with the crew even his own task force. Right now David is briefing them about a mission that was involved in the Mexicans Army having a person who was selling weapons to their enemy.

David: right now seal team 6 that includes Me, Harper,  and Salasar we are gonna provide fire for the task force which includes Izuku,Crosby and Izuku own task force members to go and meet the Mexican loyalists his name is Alejandro Vargas trust me he knows that we are coming.

Izuku: very well is there anything else we should?

David: keep steady you will be taking orders from him for a while unless he says otherwise.

Izuku: very well Task force let's head out

Task: Oorah

As they gotten ready and got into the helicopter and soon after a while they made it over the Mexican border as they see Alejandro waiting for them. Soon the heli  touch ground as Izuku got out and had his hand ready.

 Soon the heli  touch ground as Izuku got out and had his hand ready

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Alejandro: *Spanish* you guys are task force?

Izuku:*Spanish* yes we are I'm guessing your Alejandro Vargas?

Alejandro: *Spanish* why yes I am I must say your Spanish is very good how long have you spoke it?

Izuku:*Spanish* since I was young I was taught this way before

As Alejandro nodded his head and gave the them come with me side nod as they followed. Right now they are at Alejandro hideout and brought task force to the table as Izuku easily spots the person that David spoke of before. Soon Alejandro started briefing those who was there at the table and mostly everyone got the idea of what their were gonna do. What Alejandro briefed  them is that they are looking for a person who runs a cartel he has no idea who or what the gender of the person is. Alejandro wants this person alive he didn't mind if she got ruffed up a bit but does what her alive. Soon after the debriefing was over the person that Izuku spotted quickly left as he got both Alejandro and Dunn attention as he brought them over which confused them.

Soon they heard the coward speaking into a radio which sounded like he was kinda suspicious.

Coward:*Spanish* come on.....come on

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