Momos life

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After Izuku left to the Us to be a military personnel Momo life has took a interesting turn. When Momo heard that Izuku was leaving to the Us she wanted to go with him but Yor wanted Momo to be more mature first before she left to the Us. Momo find it fascinating that if Izuku is gonna be more mature she should as well she heard that his tormentors are taken it pretty hard considering what they've done to him. Nezu wanted Momo to join his school as an apology for what he done to Izuku but she refused due to knowing that the HSPC had covered up the false allegations against Izuku but have them on a tight lease. She know for a fact that they know about it but couldn't do anything due to them being the next generation of hero's.

The only reason why she doesn't hate them as she hate the others is due to them telling her that once they graduated from Ua they will be only sidekicks ti true hero's and that's all they will ever be. While the ones who abused and neglected him will not get paid at all as they will get cut within a few months. During the time Momo has gotten mature where she's at the point of not being able to pay any attention to Izuku tormentors. Loid and Yor has decided that they should move ti the states where Izuku is since is he close to getting off to relax for a while before hand. Right now Momo has mastered her quirk as to now that she doesn't really need to much training for it sometimes and she met a group of people that she doesn't even want to see due to the lie that cause her favorite person to leave her.

Tsu: hey Yaomomo

Momo: only my closes friends call me Yaomomo

Kyoka: but are we your friends?

Momo: when you decided to bully and falsely accuse someone who is my favorite that he sexually assaulted you since when do you believe that we are friends Kyoka? Tell me what was your purpose of falsely accusing someone of sexually touching where you can actually defend yourself with your DAMN FUCKING QUIRK.

Izumi: ok we were wrong we thought that they only cared for the people with a quirk bit the ones without one.

Momo: wow just wow just because your idiotic parents does doesn't mean the rest of the world does you really expect a corruption scandal or anything of the sort will happen because he didn't have a quirk damn you really are corrupted huh just like your parents you care more for power then your own family.

As Izumi hang her head low that she realizes that she has been corrupted and that her and the rest really fucked up. In  the distance the adults heard the conversation as they felt bad that they allowed the kids to beat down Izuku especially All might he knew what Izuku is going threw but failed to help him as his father treated him the same. Almost everyone that was responsible for Izuku suffering was pissed at themselves except for Fuyumi,Toya and Natsuo. Due to those 3 they actually were the opposite just like Momo as they also helped Izuku Toya ran away after Izuku left to the Us as he asked the Yaoyorozu's where he gone too as they told him that he joined the military due to Yor's recommendation which was quickly approved. Momo stayed away from the gang from the rest of her life as she doesn't want nothing to do with them soon after she graduated from her middle school which she transferred too and had actual decent friends as she told them that her previous gang made a false accusation to a boy who who was quirkless but now living a better life now he's in the Us. Soon Momo moved to the Us as she was given an address as she was confused as they told her that was Izuku home as she was all in for it.

Momo: wow his home is very beautiful and I love it.

As she settled down in his home as she decided to wear his shirt since she knows that she's already his future wife to begin with. Soon after a few hours Izuku came home.

Izuku: *sighs*home at last

He hears the shower going as he was confused as he saw a women shoes at the door. Soon Izuku ready his gun since he's been breached and soon he heard a familiar voice.

Momo:*sighs happily* finally a good shower

As she so happened see Izuku there as she screamed that he was standing there as he got his hand off of his holster and soon after they both hugged each other.

Izuku: I'm glad your ok (and sexy as hell)

Momo: same here baby how's the military treating you?

Izuku: it's good Mi-Chan

Momo: hey what's that in your arm?

As she pointed to his rank that was on his arm.

Izuku: oh that's my rank which is Marshal

Momo: oh which branch did they give you

Izuku: I'm mostly special forces as I was assigned to it with my new dad.

Momo: who's your new dad?

Izuku: David "section"Mason.

Momo: oh mom told me about  him he's one of the famous soldier who killed both Deflaco and Raul Mendez.

Izuku: I know had it coming if you asked me.

Momo slapped him after he said as he looked at her as she gave him a look.

Momo: don't say that again you hear me?

Izuku: of course Mi-Chan

Soon they kept staring and soon kissed.

Momo: I've been wanting to do that before you left.

Izuku: me too but what does that make us?

Momo: lovers

As they spent the rest of the night together cuddling each other back in Japan everyone who tortured Izuku was thinking of a way to bring him back despite the the restraining order that was already place on them.

That's the end of this chapter

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