"are you jealous"

Start from the beginning

"Quite alright Ma'am." James replied with a slight smirk knowing he was still capable of getting under Leo's skin.

"Good." Mackeroll turned back to her chalkboard, "Now back to the creation of a camera..."

James reached over and poked Leo to try and get her attention once more. "I can't wait to see my letter. Are you going to sign it with a little 'XO'?"

Leo was saved from more annoyance (and James from more violence) when an owl dropped a note to Professor Mackeroll. She quickly read over it and then looked straight back at Leo and James. "Mr. Potter and Miss Malfoy, the two of you are needed in the Headmaster's office."

Leo was confused as to how she could already be in trouble for hitting James, but she grabbed her bag and followed him out of the room. As soon as they hit the hallway she punched him as hard as she could in the arm.

"Ow!" James said grabbing it, "What was that for?"

"Detention on our first Saturday back!" Leo exclaimed annoyed as she walked faster.

"It's not fair that I can't hit you back!" James replied angrily as he met her speed. While he was a few inches taller than her, she still had long legs and more motivation than him to speed walk.

"There's no need for you to hit me back. Me hitting you was getting even with you in the first place."

"Getting even for me doing what?"

"I literally just said for getting me detention!" Leo yelled wanting to tear her hair out by how annoying he was.

"Please, it's one detention. I'll probably have three by this afternoon." James said brushing it off.

"My father is going to kill me when he hears about this." Leo insisted.

"Tía Astoria seems chill though."

"Don't call my mum your aunt. That's weird." Leo insisted.

"First of all, I've been raised to call all adult women in my life Tía. Don't shit on my culture. Second of all, why is that weird? Do you think she'll be my mother-in -law someday?" James teased once more, but this time noticed that Leo's ears turned a bit red.

However, Leo was more embarrassed for her casual racism than for his flirty comments, "First, I didn't know that, I'm sorry. Second, no, but I think Scorp might be your brother in-law."

"That would still happen if I married you." James pointed out mischievously.

Leo sighed bitterly knowing she slipped up. "We never got the password for McGonagall's office."

"Changing the topic? So she admits defeat." James said with a smirk.

"Potter you are the most insufferable little- Professor Bennetts!" Leo immediately fixed her posture as she noticed her Professor standing in front of the Headmaster's office.

"Headmaster McGonagall said you two were not given the password. It must've slipped her mind." He spoke slowly and clearly, but so void of any emotion that you could barely stay awake to listen.

"Yes sir." Leo nodded as if he was a military captain.

"Jelly Slugs." Bennetts said in his same monotone voice and the sound of it made James stifle a laugh. Leo quickly elbowed him to shut him up.

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