He turns a corner and nearly bumps into Louisiana, dodging at the last second and narrowly evading being grabbed. He hears an aggravated grunt from Louisiana and sprints down the hall, turning into the first open room. He enters just in time to see a group of Westerners leaving the room, going into the hall on the opposite side from him. South Carolina jumps back and hides around the corner, pressing his back against the wall and hoping they didn't notice him.

Why were they in such a big group? I was wondering where all the people were... why have they all grouped together like that? Wait... that hallway leads back to the living room. They were probably going to attack! He has to go warn them, and fast.

South Carolina turns back the way he came, not caring if he runs into Louisiana again. He'll just dodge around her again.

He speeds across the gap between their two sides, and yells out, "GUYS! Guys, they're going to—" South Carolina breaks off when one of his teammates, Illinois, is tackled to the ground right in front of him. He launches himself at the Westerner before they can get away. He pins them to the ground, seeing that it's Alabama. South Carolina gets up and grabs his wrist, leading him away and then putting him in the prison, which was designated to a corner of the game room. There was someone else in it already; someone must have caught them earlier.

"Stay put," South Carolina orders, to which Alabama only scowls.

He couldn't get another chance to warn anyone before the West struck. It was pretty obvious when it happened, as a shrill shriek rung throughout the house, "THEY'RE ATTACKING! HEEEELP!!"

He took off towards the scream, abandoning Alabama and the other prisoner. He had more important things to do than sit and guard them, like defend his territory and protect his allies.

Was he taking this a little too seriously? Maybe. But everyone else was, too. That's what made it fun.

When he turns the corner, there are several people laying on the ground, having been incapacitated by the westerners running rampant through the halls. He had to admit it was smart of the West to launch a mass-attack like this. It'd get people out of the way easier, since brute force is easier in numbers. They'd have free roam of their territory, if they just kept "knocking out" everyone.

South Carolina watches as two states start getting up from where they lay on the ground. He is at their sides instantly, now knowing that there's strength in numbers. He glances at them— them being Arkansas and Indiana— and continues running in the direction where the most noise is coming from.

They run head-first into a group of five Westerners, and he's easily taken down, along with his teammates. He lays on the ground, ashamed and starting to get a little nervous. How can they possibly win this? They've been so easily overwhelmed! They're going to need some more people, and soon.

But where is he going to find them? Is he really just going to roam around the halls looking for allies? How long would that take, and would the West have already discovered their flag before then?

South Carolina is struck with an idea. He leaps to his feet, helping Arkansas and Indiana up, and makes his way to the living room as fast as possible. They burst into the room, where America and Russia are still conversing.

"No, Tuesday is blue!" America argues, gesturing ardently with his hands.

"Dad! Russia!" South Carolina calls out, "They're attacking, you've gotta help us!" There's a tone of panic in his voice that he wished wasn't there.

Their conversation breaks off, and they both look up. America's expression holds significantly less confusion than Russia's.

South Carolina tugs at his dad's arm, trying to get him to stand up. "Come on, we need you!" Indiana nods in confirmation.

"All right," They stand up, and America looks back at Russia, who shrugs.

"We've gotta hurry!" Arkansas shouts, and then they all run back into their territory, where they had been before.

It's not long before they stumble across the group they had encountered before. South Carolina doesn't hesitate to grapple with the first one he sees, confident that his allies will be at his side. Arkansas does the same, following his lead.

"What're they doing here?!" New Mexico spat, obviously referring to their chained tagalongs.

"We enlisted them!" Indiana reproached, leaping at New Mexico. Indiana knocks him down, and they tumble to the ground with grunts and shouts.

"You can't do that!" Rhode Island squawks indignantly, managing to weasel his way out of South Carolina's grip.

"Yes we can! Plus, this'll make our numbers even!"

Nevada, a Westerner who had previously just been standing there, nimbly jumps over the wrestling states and rams into America straight-on. He yelps and stumbles back, losing his footing a little bit. Russia immediately shoves Nevada off of America with surprising strength, knocking him into the wall. He stands slightly in front of America in a protective manner as Nevada recovers and looks at them with narrowed eyes.

Arizona does the same as Nevada had done, but attacks Russia instead, since he's in the front. The Russian holds his own better than America had, especially since he's much taller than the state. Nevada uses this distraction to attack America again, who doesn't have Russia to protect him this time.

South Carolina gets Rhode Island pinned to the floor and then leaps off of him to go aid his parents— er, his dad and Russia.

America manages to get Nevada off of him, and South Carolina goes to attack him, but Russia beats him to it. The country swiftly sweeps Nevada's legs. He falls over onto Arizona, and they both come crashing down to the ground in a tangle of limbs.

South Carolina nods appreciatively at Russia and then scans the area. "Looks like we've got them all. Let's hurry and put them in the prison."

They gather the prisoners and corral them in the middle of the group, leading them to their prison. When they get there, South Carolina is disappointed but not surprised to see Alabama and the other prisoner gone. They put the new prisoners inside, and walk away without much thought. They don't leave someone to keep watch.

Another scream rang loudly throughout the house. "They're confiscating our guns! AVENGE US!!"

South Carolina tries to sprint off in the direction of the scream, but America grabs him by the shoulder and holds him back.

"You can't just recklessly throw yourself in there! Someone else will get them, I'm sure of it. For now, we need to come up with a plan." America's voice is steady.

South Carolina looks up at him with wide eyes. "What're we going to do?!" He stressed. They had to find the flag soon, or else they'd be as well off as Arizona is when swimming— Which is above awful.

America lets go of him. His eyes drift over to Russia, before they snap back to South Carolina. "Okay, hear me out."

"Yes?" South Carolina is getting a little desperate at this point.

"You guys make a really big distraction— like you could do a big attack like they did before so that it'll draw people there. In the meantime, I'll sneak in, find their flag, and come back to the base undetected." He flashes a confident grin.

"You're sure this will work?"

"I can't be 100% sure. But you've gotta try," he shrugs.

"I suppose it's the best we've got right now, isn't it?" A newfound feeling of assuredness washes over him. "I'll do it. Come with us while we gather people, and then you can go."

America nods, still grinning. Russia stands at his side, not sharing his same confidence.

This has to work.

Whoof that took a bit longer than usual! Writing this many people is harder than I thought. I actually listed out everyone participating and which side they're on, haha! Hopefully this chapter wasn't confusing to read.

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