Chapter Six ❤️❤️❤️

Start from the beginning

"BLOODY HELL!?" He yells as all of them swivel around just in time to see Nora darting up the steps. Emma's eyes widen as Regina rolls her eyes as uses her magic to shut the cellar doors. Killian rubs his head, sword at the ready, and David just stands there. Nora sees the cellar doors shut and her hope deflates. She's trapped, without a weapon. She tries to push the cellar doors open but it's useless.

"You're not going anywhere." Regina says walking towards the bottom of the steps with Emma, hands a blaze. "You, Turn around."

Nora recognizes that voice, Emma? She really really really doesn't want to turn around.

"I said turn around." Emma repeats like Nora didn't hear her the first time. With a sigh she turns around. Emma's face contorts into one of confusion as Regina chuckles humorlessly.

"You let yourself get hit in the head by a child, Hook?" Hook looks over the child as does David.

"Hi?" Nora tries, as she keeps her back to the cellar doors, unknowingly her hands a glow behind her.

"Nora?!" Emma says her face going from confusion to anger. "Let me guess, you're a flying monkey to?" Nora's heart drops to her stomach, her cheeks red.

"No." She lies hoping that Emma won't be able to tell. Emma narrows her eyes at Nora as Nora presses herself farther to the door, wanting to escape this situation more than anything.

"Wait, you know this child?" Emma ignores Regina.

"Why are you here?" Nora shrugs, looking around the cellar.

"Not like I have a choice." Nora says her voice surprisingly steady. Emma's face is still that of suspicion and Nora honestly wishes she could sink into the floor right now.

"So you've been working with the Wicked Witch this whole time? Like Walch?" Emma says staring her down.

"Yes... But no? Well I didn't have a choice really. But I don't want to be." Nora says trying to explain.

"What do you mean you have no choice?" Emma questions, her eyes demanding answers.

"The witch forced me to work her! She kidnapped me when I was a child, so I basically had no choice." Nora answers. Emma shakes her head but Regina steps up to say something.

"Well since you know this witch, who is she? What is she planning?" Regina asks.

"If I speak a word, I'll be dead within minutes. I honestly don't know what she is planning or why I am even here. She just locked me down in a cellar!" Nora explains.

"Great. You're useless. Let's kill her." Regina says only half kiddingly.

"Woah woah woah, let's not do that!" Nora says wide eyed.

"We can't kill her, Henry would be devastated." Emma says under her breath.

"What this girl has to do with Henry!?" Regina says to Emma sternly. "Answer me."

"Her name is Nora, she was one of Henry's friend back in New York." Emma explains.

"Yeah that's right, you can't hurt me!" Nora says.

"Great to know my son made friends with a monkey." Regina says shaking her head.

"I said I'm not a monkey!" Nora yells, trying to stick up for herself.

"Sure kid. I can tell that you are lying." Emma says rolling her eyes.

"I'm not lying! I'm only PART flying monkey!" Nora says back.

"Like that's any better." Regina says, "This is a mess."

"So what exactly do we do with the lass?" Hook asks, finally speaking.

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