"Latata Latata Latata Latata"

I stop mid bite as the song plays, my insides churn and I cry again, no longer hungry but to stubborn to not finish it, with every bite my crying gets louder, I use the napkin next to me to blow my nose not so prettily. I can see the old lady who runs the store peaking at me but I don't care how pitiful I look.

"I love ya, Latata Latata" Sniff sniff, chomp chomp. Nothing could make this worse. Then right in front of me two girls come running right in front of the store, ones holding her jacket to cover them both not that it matters since they're soaked. But they're giggling and holding each other not caring about anything in the world. Making me wail even louder.

"Me and Soojin use to do that" I say crying harder, noodles still in my mouth.

By now I must look and sound crazy ,so much so that the girls look at me through the window giving me the stank eye as they walk away holding hands.

Soju, I need Soju. Wiping my tears and the little dignity I have I walk slowly to the fridge and grab 2 bottles. I make my way to the lady to pay, the look of pity in her eyes is easy to see as she slowly scans the bottles.

"Uh honey, you have a little something here" she's says pointing to my chin, I wipe my chin as fast as I can and a whole ass noodle is now on my sleeve.

"You know what, this is on the house. You get home safe" she says, then awkwardly taps my shoulder. I sniffle in response and bow slightly in thanks doing my best to get out of there as fast as possible.

I can already see the headlines now "Kill this love Jennie isn't as tough as she seems" Insert photo with me eating by myself crying with noodles on my chin. Okay I really need to get out of here. To flustered and sad to care I don't even use the umbrella which now means my cars soaked and the seat warmers are working 2 times harder to keep this butt warm.

Nearing the house I've calmed down a little, now just silent crying which is better than hysterically crying. Putting in the pin to the gate I drive slowly and that's when I see it. I slow the car down heart racing, omg someones here to kill me, a crazy fans finally found me are the first thoughts I think. I turn my lights up higher just to check and that's when my heart really stops. It's Soojin, in an instant I stop the car and grab the umbrella as fast as I can, I run to her and she's in a state I've never seen before.

"Jennie" she's says unsure, my body instantly reacts as I move to her. I cover her with the umbrella seeing how cold she is.

"Soojin" I finally breathe out, she relaxes straight away and engulfs me tightly so much so she's straddling me. I can barely breathe but I hug her just as tightly. In a second I feel her lips on my own, like second nature I reciprocate hungrily, I can feel how cold her lips are but with mine they warm. I drop the umbrella so I can fully hold her, the rains cold but it doesn't matter. Happy tears form as we both deepen the kiss now taking our Time. She pulls away first, her eyes are soft but as she looks at me longer I start to worry as her eyebrows frown and she starts crying.

"How could you" she says angrily lightly hitting my chest, now I'm a little confused.

"How could you just leave again and take away my choice without listening to me!" she shouts, okay she's angry shit, she gets up in a hurry. I follow her struggling a little to get up.

"Soojin" I say.

"Jennie! y-you did that to me last time, do you know how fucking shit I feel to be left the same way? y-you just. l-left again without talking to me" she says now looking broken, I can't help it as I move to her, I cup her face as she turns away.


"I went home to call it off with her, it's you Jennie, it's always you. I love you, and I know I didn't make it easy but it's the truth so when you left me again I, I-" I know I shouldn't but my whole being feels alive now hearing her words.

"I'm sorry," I whisper desperately.

"I'm sorry" I continuing, kissing her cheek each time until she finally looks at me.

"You were just going to go to America and runaway" she says. Now I look at her weirdly.

"Jagi, honey no. Who told you that?"

"L-lisa told me y-you were going to America for a couple of months and you're leaving t-tonight" She hiccups in between. That demon child is defiantly dead when I see her.

"aw Soojin I don't know what she told you but it's not true, I was never going on a plane or leaving for America."

"Let's get inside" She nods her head slowly as I take her hand and lead her inside. Now we're inside I feel just how cold I am, I run to get us towels wrapping it around a now shivering Soojin. She follows me to the bathroom and sits on the closed toilet as I turn the shower on for her.

"I'll leave you some clothes on the bed" I say quietly still holding her hand. I kiss her cheek and move to give her some privacy.

"Stay" I look at her for a moment just to make sure, she smiles softly in return.

"Okay" She moves first slowly taking her top off and I do the same, she stands up and moves so close I can feel her body heat on my own. She moves to take off my pants, I blush surprised by the gesture. Then without losing eye contact she un does my bra leaving me bare, this feels so natural.

Once we're done she holds my hand and we move under the shower that warms us instantly. Of course im attracted to her but it feels so much more intimate than any moment we've shared. I grab the soap and wash her upper body from behind, she leans her back into me as I do this. Never in my life have I felt more at peace just holding her close. She turns around so now our fronts are pressed together.

"I love you" she says quietly wrapping her arms around my waist. Just her saying that has me breathless, I move my head into the crook of her neck holding her back as tight as I can.

"I love you more than anything" I say through the tears. She squeezes me in assurance, kissing along my shoulder to my neck and then finally pulling my face to hers. We kiss, slow and steady. Unlike before theres a knew reassurance, we're not desperate because we know that we have each other no longer held down , all feelings are surfaced.

"Soojin" I say weakly, new tears forming. she holds me tighter while I crumble in her embrace. The exhaustion of everything finally catching up.

"Shh, I'm here now"

"I'm here and I'm never letting you go"


Jennie and Soojin everyone <3

Also Soojins back 🥹🫶🏼
Thank you to everyone who's stuck around and enjoyed this fic it means a lot to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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