Chapter 32

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Soojins POV 

Me and Shuhua are still in her room on the bed holding each other, I know I have to get up soon because if I'm still in this house with her ill take back everything I said and stay with her. 

"I have to go" I whisper, she stiffens but slowly pulls away. 

"Are, are you not staying here" she says just as quietly. 

"You know I can't" I pull her closer when I say that, taking in her peach perfume feeling this comfort while I can. 

She doesn't ask where I'm going which eases my heart but I still feel guilt. I know once I do this me and Shuhua can finally be together properly, that is if she chooses to be with me again. 

"How do we act now" she ask looking at me innocently. 

"Just because we're going on a break doesn't mean we have to ignore each other or act cold. Before any of this, we were best friends, are best friends. So maybe we start with that." I reply,  hoping she agrees because being nothing is something I don't want to think about or feel. 

"I can do that" she says smiling weakly. 

"Thank you" I say and kiss her forehead softly. 

"I know we need a break but I want us to come back together in one month exactly. I think thats plenty of time to come to a decision while also having space to figure out ourselves." she say sternly. 

"agreed" She seems to relax after I say that, and now at least I have a time frame. 

"We start over when the months done, we'll be better than we were before" she says it more to herself than me. 

"Yes we will Shu" I reply meaning every word. When we come we will be better than before Shuhua. 


"Soojin where are you going" Miyeon says confused. She looks at my suitcase questionably. 

"I'm staying outside of the dorm for a bit" 

"Wait is something wrong at home? whats going on" I sigh, maybe soon ill explain it to her, the whole truth. 

"No its nothing like that, when I come back ill explain everything but for now I have to go" she pulls me in for a hug, I melt in her arms thinking maybe she already knows. 

"I'm here whenever you need to talk" she says quietly. 

I nod my head and hold on for a few more seconds. 

"Ill see you at work?" she ask tentatively. I smile back at her reassuringly. 

"Yes I will, I just won't be here for a while. That doesn't mean I won't still see you all" she looks relieved. 

"Good" I nod my head and head out towards the door about to turn it when she says something. 

"I'll look after her, so don't worry just take care of yourself" 

"Thank you" I say gratefully then leave my home, something inside me feels as if i'm saying goodbye to everything, a sudden dread fills me but I don't turn around or change my mind. I need this. We need this.


"Where are we Soojin" My manager says looking at the outside of Jennies gate. I don't say anything instead I press the remote Jennie gave me to the house and the gate opens. 

"Soojin, where are we" he says more sternly , I'm sure he already knows since no one I'm close to would be able to afford a place like this. 

"I'll be staying here for a few weeks" I say instead, he sighs tiredly but does not reply and opens the door to get my suit cases out for me. 

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