Chapter 26

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Soojins POV

This week has felt like a blur, me and Shuhua are back to how we use to be. She's giving me attention and being the girlfriend I've always loved, we barely touched on the subject about our argument and i'm still unsure how I feel about that. Really i'm just glad she's back. But the constant knowledge of what she has done is wrenched inside my brain. Whats worse is that I don't even have the guts to ask her about it because i'm to afraid of the answer, at least in this state of the unknown I can pretend that maybe the hickey wasn't what I saw, that maybe I was just tired.

But when I woke up the next day after we made up and saw shuhua in the bathroom applying make up on her neck, thats when I knew. I shut my eyes forcing the tears back in and pretended to still be asleep, I heard her quietly leave the bathroom and crept back into bed wrapping herself around me.

It's okay I told myself as long as she's here, its okay.

present time

"Hi baby" Shuhua says as she back hugs me. I sink deeper into her embrace, loving the feeling of everything that is Yeh Shuhua.

"Hi" I say trying to ignore the way the warmth from her breath on my neck sends shivers down my spine.

I can tell she notices because she smiles into my neck.

"Can I use your phone for a second" she whispers while caressing my waist.

"Y-yeah, its in my pocket" I say breathlessly, distracted by her lingering fingers. She grabs my phone already knowing my passcode.

"What you looking at" I ask while still trying to focus on the food i'm cooking and not on the way she's subtly wondering my body.

She doesn't reply still using my phone, i have nothing to hide so I went back to cooking and letting Shuhua do whatever it is she's doing.

She gives back my phone and returns to hugging me.

"I was just making sure you weren't messaging anyone inappropriate" she says casually. I grip the spatula in my hand trying to express my anger into something else. The nerve she has to say that when I know exactly what she's done.

"Shu, I told you I don't speak to her anymore." I say annoyed.

"Yeah well you said that last time and then you go running off to her when she calls you like you're some dog." she says with venom. letting go of me.

"Shuhua You know that's not why I went to her" I keep cooking not wanting to face her and let her see how hurt I am.

"Yeah I know" she replies coldly.

"Shuhua just tell me what you want me to do please. I don't want you to always be worried I'm going to do something" something like what you did I think to myself.

"No I'm sorry, you've been good I just can't help it" she says tiredly.

"Come here" she looks at me so innocently I cant help but want to take care of her. I can forgive her because I know that my actions with Jennie pushed her to become so insecure and hurt all because of me. She's all that matters to me right now.

She moves towards me and I embrace her keenly. Her heads buried in my neck and I rub her back slowly.

"Shu, I know you're hurt by what I've done in the past but I swear Ive never cheated on you. I know I did cross the line by even letting her in and I'm so sorry for that but for us to continue we both have to let things go and move on. I love you so much and I never want to let you go but If we can't move on it's just going to hurt us both baby, you can check my phone and ask any questions I'll do anything to get your trust back."

"I know" she whispers.

I move her so now where facing each other, when she meets my eyes I can feel the love she has for me but there's something else there. She leans forward and captures my lips, I instantly react wrapping my arms around her neck pulling her closer. Her hand travels down my body roughly squeezing my butt, I let out surprised moan. Our kiss started sweet now it's filled with lust and want.

"S-shuhua, not here miyeons In the room and we have to go soon" I say trying to control my breathing. She only moves from my lips to my neck ignoring what I said. My body betrays me and moves to give her more access. She pushes her leg between my own putting slight friction on my core.

"Fuck" I say at the contact. Before it goes any further my last ounce of rational thinking comes out.

I pull away quickly, she whines by the loss of contact and I smile at that.

"Shu, I need to finish cooking and our managers going to be here in 20mins" my voice has dropped a bit still wanting shuhua.

She gives me puppy eyes and moves her hand sneakily over my breast with the same face.

"Aish, stop or you won't get any tonight" her facial expressions don't match her sneaky hands.
"Fine" she ends up back hugging me while I finish up the last of our breakfast. But her hand doesn't leave my breast. I roll my eyes and let her be.

"Let's eat, go and get miyeon and check she's actually awake" I say amused.

"Let's just leave her and let her get in trouble" shuhua replys cheekily.

"Hurry up"

"Fine" she kisses me on the lips quickly and runs away to wake up her unnie. I touch my lips after that quick peck and try to calm my heart down.


Hmmmm is soojin gonna say something 👀 did shuhua really cheat? 👀 where's Jennie? 👀

The love we shareOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora