Chapter 11

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Shuhuas pov

It's been a few days since The event. Soojins been cold to me ever since I don't know why I keep questioning if I did anything to upset her. My mind can't stop thinking about all the possible things I could have done to hurt her or annoy her. Or maybe I'm just overthinking and Soojins fine.

"Shuhua, you okay," Minnie ask cutting me from my thoughts, were currently at my dorm cuddled up watching a movie.

I turn so I'm facing her now.

I sigh "Soojin unnies Been....cold to me again" Minnie frowns I can tell she's upset.

"Shuhua, why don't you stay with me tonight" she's using her cute voice that I find adorable. But I'd never let her know that.

"Unnie, I don't want Soojin to get mad," I say embarrassed. Minnie rolls her eyes annoyed by the mention of Soojin.

" Shuhua she's the one who's hurting you right now. Think about yourself and what you need" I take in her words, she's right this always happens as soon as I think me and Soojin are getting somewhere she pulls away leaving me to fix all the pieces.

Why do I let her treat me like this, yes she is always a good unnie and takes care of me. But when it comes to our feelings she's a closed book, one minute she's all over me and then the next nothing, she goes back to treating me like I'm just her annoying little sister That she doesn't pay attention to. This push and pull game we have going on is becoming exhausting.

"You know I just want the best for you Shu, I hate seeing you like this it happens too often because of Soojin, I love her but that girl can be so stupid sometimes, anyone that you choose to love shuhua is so lucky and she needs to realise that." I can tell minnies sincere, she's such an amazing friend for caring about me so much.

"Plus, I miss you, Shu, I feel like we never really hang out just me and you anymore."

My heart aches at the sight of Minnie trying to hold in her pain, she's always taking care of me while I just take her for granted. God, I've been so preoccupied with Soojin that I ignored my other favourite member.

"Thank you Unnie, you always make me feel better. I'll stay at your dorm tonight just like old times" truthfully I've missed being with her. Maybe being away from Soojin will help me as-well.

The door opens and in walks Soojin. She hasn't noticed me and Minnie yet, I quickly try to get out of Minnies embrace. But she only tightens her grip making me stay in my spot.

"Hey, soojin" minnies dreamy voice says. Soojin finally faces us, she hasn't said anything yet but is staring intently at Minnie's arms around me. I shuffle uncomfortably under her blazing stare.

"What are you two doing" her voice is sharp and I can hear the edge in it.

"Just watching a movie unnie," I say Cooley. She moves slowly to where we are and sits on the couch across from us.

I'm staring intently at her and to my surprise, she's already looking at me. I feel so small under her gaze but I don't let her intimidate me. One look and I can tell she's pissed. I push away the happiness I feel that maybe she's jealous, I know it's bad but knowing she's mad At least means she cares.

"Shuhua we'll go soon," Minnie says quietly.

"I'll pack me some clothes" I get up and head to my room.

I look around my room gathering the things that I need.

"Where are you going" soojins stern voice is heard.

"Minnies" I don't bother to look at her instead of focusing on packing the rest of my things.

"Why? Just stay here" she's now right next to me.

"So you can ignore me, no thanks."

She scoffs, her hand moves to her hair I've noticed she does that whenever she's mad.

"Shu stay, you can sleep with me."

I stop packing for a second considering her offer. No, I shouldn't, god she ignores me for a week and as soon as she gives me the attention I'm right back.

"No I promised Minnie, I miss her too so I'm going to stay with her." I turn to face her and she's livid. I smirk at the sight.

"I don't want you to sleep with Minnie" her voice is demanding it's annoying how hot I find her when she's like this.

"Soojin it's not a big deal, were just hanging out. " I reply.

" Knowing you I'm sure It will be more than just hanging out," she says angrily.

"Excuse me, what the hell that's suppose to mean," I say angrily, she can't be implying what I think she is.

She shuts her mouth arms crossed.

"Why don't you finish what you were saying Soojin, elaborate what you meant"

"You throw yourself around like it's nothing that's what I'm saying"  her voice is cold but crystal clear. My eyes widen at her words, so this is what she thinks of me. My chest tightens at her words. Nothing wrong with sleeping with people but for her to think I'm just throwing myself around to anyone. I see just how low she thinks of me.

"Wait Shu, no I'm sorry that's not what I meant" she's frantically trying to take back what she said. I hurriedly pack the rest of my clothes unable to stop my tears.

"SHUHUA" she grabs my wrist as I'm about to leave.

"Please Shuhua, I'm so sorry I didn't mean it" my face is looking forward unable to stand the sight of her.

"You did unnie" I pull my hand out of her grip and leave.

Minnies making her way to me worriedly. She cups both my cheeks softly.

"Shu, what happened" her voice is soothing eyes scanning me. I can't speak if I do I know I'll cry even more. She pulls me into her arms, I bury myself into her letting the tears go.

"Let's go," she says taking me out of here.


Soojins pov

"FUCK" I scream frustrated with myself, why am I like this! I was jealous so I throw that at her.

God the look in her eyes when I said that, overtakes any anger I had before now replaced with shame.

To honey 💛: shuhua please, come back I'm sorry you know I don't think about you like that I was just upset can we talk, please.

To honey 💛: shu come home I'm sorry.

I send the messages sitting in my bed tapping my foot in anticipation. Please just come home so I can apologise shu.


She's read my messages but no reply. I throw my phone at the wall luckily it didn't break. My tears are flowing, why did I say that I pretty much just called her a slut. I know she's not but my insecurities about her overtook any rational thought I had. And even if she is sleeping with other people I don't have a right to control her.

*ring *ring *ring

I race to where I threw my phone answering the call without looking.

"SHU I'm so sorry-"

"Soojin" my eyes furrow at the familiar voice.

"Jennie" my voice is shaky and confused.

"Soojin, what's wrong? Are you okay" I cry harder, all the mess with Shuhua and now jennies voice.

"Jennie I can't talk right now," I say Through my tears.

"Soojin, I'm coming over I need to make sure you're okay"

"NO, Jennie no I'm fine just leave it"

"Is anyone with you right now"


"I'll just come over until someone's home I don't want you alone right now, I can tell you're upset. Please."


"I'll be there soon"

Call ended.

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