Chapter 5

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I'm walking hurriedly out of the salon late for dance practice trying to find my phone, Do I need four chargers In my purse I question myself. Than suddenly Someone smashes into me knocking me clean off my feet.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! " my eyes are still closed, I feel a shooting pain in my ankle. Fuck I think I've twisted it, I ignore the girl's voice and touch my now swelling foot.

I'm just about to scold the girl who ran into me until I look up and see it's Jennie Kim. As in black pinks Jennie, I'm not a big fan of their group but no one can say they aren't the biggest girl group in Kpop right now.

"It's fine," I say coldly to distracted by the pain to care that she's famous, I try to get up but once I put pressure on my ankle I fall Back down.

"Shit, let me take you to a hospital I think your ankles twisted," she says nervously.

"No, I'm fine I can't miss practice" I try to get up again but this time she wraps her arms around my waist and helps me.

"Please just let me take you, I'll even talk to your manager or company and explain everything. I'm so sorry." I look at her face and notice just how worried she looks, I had always assumed she was the bitchy cold type but right now I can't help but thinks she's cute.

I look at the time, shit practice is going to start in 20mins there's no way I can make it and even if I do I definitely can't dance. This isn't good my groups just around the corner from debuting and I'm the main dancer this couldn't have happened at a worse time.

*click *click *click

I look up and a crowd is slowly forming, no doubt by the presence of Jennie.

"I'm sorry I was running I didn't want people to recognise me" she whispers in my ear.

"You don't need to take me to the hospital I can just get a cab" I want to get out of her presence she's making me nervous.

"No please it's the least I can do, plus its rush hour no taxis are going to be free so just come with me and it will be faster" I don't even know this girl yet she's pouting at me. I roll my eyes and just nod my head. She smiles and holds me for support.

"I'm Jennie by the way" she greets while opening her car door for me.

"I know who you are," I say with a smirk.

"I didn't think you did the way you reacted seeing me," she says with a frown, gosh she's just a big baby.

I snort, this girl is so full of herself.

"Should I have been happy to see you even though you twisted my ankle?" I teasingly raise my eyebrow, she looks down cheeks red, I dont know where this confidence came from I usually can't say more than two words to strangers.

" Sorry about that again," she says quietly.

" can't do anything about it now so no need to apologise just look when you're running next time" in any other situation I most defiantly would have gone off when it comes to affecting my career but for some odd reason I can't seem to even be mad, unquestionably her smile seems to have extinguished any malice I preciously had, my weakness is pretty girls.

*ring *ring *ring

My phone starts buzzing and I look at my screen to see my manager calling. Oh shit, I had completely forgotten to call him.

"Hello Oppa"

"Soojin where the hell are you"

"Aish, I was on my way when this girl came out of nowhere and knocked me down. I'm heading to the hospital I think I've twisted my ankle not sure but it's swelling up and I can't walk on it" jennies looking at me anxiously guilt evident on her face. I move my hand and grab hers mouthing it's okay. She smiles.

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