Chapter 14

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Jennies POV

"I'm home," I say, walking to the kitchen.

"Jennieeeee" Lisa squeals and back hugs me.

"Hi, Lisa," I say sweetly to the maknae.

"Where were you? We were worried."

"I went to see her", she knows who I'm talking about. All the members know about her.

"Unnie," she says.

"Look, I know, you don't need to tell me, Lisa", annoyance in my voice.

"Jennie, I'll support whatever you do. But if you're not sure about being with her, stop now because you've hurt her enough," Lisa says sweetly, but the truth hurts.

"There's no doubt in my mind that I want her Lisa, I was scared before, but nothing compares to the feeling of not having her. I'm on the verge of tears, voice shaky. Lisa, I love her so much; h-how could I do that to her?" Lisa pulls me into her while stroking my hair. I bury my face into her chest.

"You were scared, Jen; it's normal to feel that way. As long as you keep on being better, that's all that matters. Just be kind and support her with whatever she needs, but don't forget about yourself, Jen. You have to understand she might not want you back, and I don't want you to hurt yourself trying to get something you can't."

"When did you become so wise, huh", we both giggle.

"But don't worry, Lisa, all I want is to help her. Of course, I want her back, but what I want the most is for her to be happy even if it's not with me."

"Oh god, rip to the person that tries to take Soojin away from you," she says teasingly.


"Unnie, you're crazy jealous and possessive." She says with a cheeky smirk.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I say smugly, looking at my nails.

"HAHAHAHA Jennie! Why are you trying to act like your not crazy? Anyone who even looked at her had to deal with your threats. God, I still remember the boy's petrified faces" Lisa's full-on laughing now. I just roll my eyes at her, and she's not wrong, though.

"Whatever," I say, smiling.

"How was seeing her? I'm assuming good since you didn't come home," she says, now calmed down.

I sigh, memory's of last night coming back. Just being near her and holding her felt so right. But at the same time, seeing her like that broke my heart. She was hurt; soojin doesn't deserve to feel hurt. Guilt struck me the most that night, thinking about how I hurt her. I just hope that somebody was there for her. As much as I hate the idea if Soojin being with someone else, I'm happy Shuhua was there.

"Good and bad" She looks at me, questioning.

"She was upset about something or more like someone."

"Uh, let me guess, shuhua", my eyes instantly look up at her.

"You picked up on that too."

"Yeah, and I do.... kind of watch fan edits of them together" I give her a death glare.

"WHAT! They're cute, okay," she says defensively.

I've seen a few myself. She's right. You can see just how much Shuhua loves her, and even if Soojin try's to hide it, she loves her too. Shuhuas not afraid to show anyone either.

"Shuhua's cute," Lisa says quietly. I crack a smile, and she has a little thing for shuhua, huh.

"Lisaaaaaaaa, do you perhaps have a crush on miss shuhua", my voice teasing.

"YAH! I just think she's really pretty, and I'm having dinner with her and Minnie tonight," she shyly says.

"Is Soojin going?"

"Not that I know of, should I tell Minnie to bring her? I don't think they'd mind if you came either."

This might not be a good idea, but I'll do anything to just be near her.

"Do it, but don't tell them I'm coming."

Lisa smirks deviously while sending the text.


"She's coming."


Soojin's pov

I'm trying my best to look anywhere but at the two girls in front of me. There acting all cute together, and it's pissing me off. Shuhua might not notice it, but I have, Minnies crushing on her. The way she looks at her is the same way I do. I can't bring it up to Shuhua because she'll just think I'm crazy, and the way I acted the other day gives me no right.

"And that wraps it up for the day. Thank you so much, gidle, for coming in. We wish you luck in your comeback."

"Thank you",,, we all reply.

I get up to leave, waiting for shuhua to come by me, but she's still busy with Minnie. To say I'm jealous is an understatement.

"Unnie, unnie", shuhua says, finally paying attention to me.

"Yes," I say, trying to sound normal.

"We're going out to dinner with Lisa from black pink. Did you want to come" I scrunch my nose in confusion? Why are they all buddy-buddy now?

"How'd that happen?" I ask curiously.

"You remember when you were at that fundraiser? Well, Minnie told Lisa I'm a fan, and she gave her my number. She invited us to dinner," she says excitedly, Lisa, that little shit. Shuhua is her type, I'm so tired, but I've got to keep an eye on my girl.

"Okay, I'm in," I say casually. She jumps up in the excitement and crushes me in her arms. I smile automatically at her cuteness.

"Okay, when we get back to the dorm, we'll get ready and go",, I nod in agreement. Feeling bold, I hold her hand and start walking to the van. I can see her looking at me with so much love. She's an angel.


"Don't be nervous Shu, Lisa's so nice! She'll love you," Minnie says to shuhua. She has a little panic attack, finally meeting one of her favourite idols.

I move my hand to her thigh, stroking it lightly to try and calm her down.

" I'm so scared but excited, hehe" cute.

"I interlock my hand with Shuhua. From the side, I can see Minnie glaring at the sight.

"Let's go. She's waiting"


We get escorted to the v.I.p section away from the prying eyes.

"Shu, you look beautiful, by the way," I whisper as were walking to our table. She blushes at my comment, pulling me closer to her.

"So do you" her smile's bright and beautiful, just like her. Aish, this girl is driving me crazy.

"This way, ladies."

"Jennie?!" Minnie squeals. My focus is taken away from shuhua. A sense of deja vu falls upon me. Again Jennie.

My heart starts beating, my grip on shuhua tightens unconsciously.

"Jin-ah, let's go."

"U-uh, y-yeah, let's go", I nervously said.

"Soojin," she says, ignoring everyone else.

"Jennie" I reply with a tight smile.

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