Chapter 10

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Soojins Pov.


im standing on stage with the other members we just finished performing Hann. The crowd is going insane screams and cheers are heard everywhere. But my eyes aren't focussed on the crowd, i'm looking for her.

I can barely see from the stage but I manage to find her intense gaze looking right at me, Her cool expression on but her eyes don't lie. ever since she took me to the hospital we've kept in contact, my feelings for the latter are growing extremely fast and I think its the same for her.

"okay girls make your way off stage now" I hear through the ear piece. The lights turn off and I take one final glance at the beautiful brunette.

Where all out of breathe, adrenaline up I cant believe we just performed in front of all those people and famous idols. Where still new and to even have this opportunity amazes me.

"GIRLS HOLY SHIT WE DID IT" Yuqi's loud voice says. We all laugh and jump up and down like little kids, even me the more calm one out of the girls cant help it. Where in the corridor walking to our changing room to get ready.

The hallway goes quiet, I look up confused. There is 3 security guards and behind them is Jennie looking as stunning as ever. Shuhua's clinging to my arm un affected by jennies growing fan club around her.


Jennie kim: Meet me in my changing room when you're done, security already knows to let you in.

A smile instantly appears on my face. I look up and she's already there.

"Hey girls, you were amazing out there" Jennies say sweetly, but still manages to look effortlessly intimidating.

Miyeon's the first to greet Jennie with a hug, I glare at Miyeon not liking how close they are. Jennie smirks knowingly at Soojin making Soojin blush. We haven't talked about our feelings yet but we both know somethings going on.

Everyone than bows including myself.

"Thank you so much, where all a big fan of Blackpink" our leader says confidently.

"Girls lets get you changed" one of the style list say.

"Nice meeting you all, see you soon" Jennie says the last part looking at me.

"Ommo, she's so pretty!" Shuhua excitedly says clinging onto my arm.

"She came to our debut stage, did you guys know that!" Yuqis low voice is heard.

My heart starts picking up at the mention of that, I was so nervous when I saw her in the crowd, she was wearing a cap and face mask so no one new who she was.

"Soojin, aren't you and Jennie friends? Lisa was saying that she won't shut about you" Minnies annoying voice says. This bitch is always exposing me. Its not that I want to keep it a secret that me and Jennie are "friends" but I don't want to explain myself.

"where not that close, she's the one that hurt my ankle before our debut" I reply evenly.

"WHAT" everyone shouts in unison.

"She's the idol you were talking about!?!" Yuqi's loud voice says.

"YAH!who cares, hurry up everyone we need to get ready" I look at Shuhua and she's quiet unlike herself. I frown at the sight.

"Shuhua, you okay" I ask concerned, she looks up lazily smiling.

"Im okay just happy the performance is over"

"You were amazing by the way" I say now hugging her. She wraps her arms around my waist bringing me closer.

"YAH, what about me?" Yuqi shouts breaking our moment.

"OMG, GO AWAY" shuhua says now chasing the other girl.


I managed to convince my manager to let me go out for a few minutes, I walk my way to BLACK-PINKS changing room. The two security guards whisper something to each other and open the door for me, barely making eye contact. Sitting on the seat in the mirror is Jennie and a few other people (makeup artist etc) as soon as she sees me through the mirror her bright smile is seen.

"Everyone, you can leave now" Jennie says only looking at me, the people around her get up immediately with no complaints, I shyly smile at them in passing.

Now its just me and her.

she quickly gets off her seat and excitedly runs up to me embracing me into a hug. Its so funny how everyone thinks she's this scary Intimidating girl in reality she's a softy.

"You were amazing, Soojin" She says meaningfully, our faces are only inches apart.

"Thank you" my voice quiet. Hearing her say that means a lot not just because she's Jennie an idol but just because its her.

"Come. I have something for you" she says grabbing my hand and dragging me to sit down. She exits the room leaving me puzzled. A few minutes later she walks in with a huge boutique of flowers and a small bag.

She moves to sit next to me, she shyly hands over the flower leaving me in awe. This girl.

"JENNIE! you didn't have to do this" I say in shock.

"I wanted to, I actually got you something else" she cutely says, she pulls out the small bag and hands it to me.

I open the bag and inside is a box with a beautiful bracelet, on the bracelet theres a small charm that has an S on it. I touch it softly still in disbelief, it is beautiful I cant even imagine how much it would've cost.

"Jennie" I say in disbelief. "This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me."

She's all smiles.

"I um, I also got you this" she hands me a small charm bag to add onto the bracelet. I look closely and it has a J on it.

I teasingly look at her, she looks so cute right now, she can barely look at me and the tint of red on her cheeks is seen.

"look at me" I say seductively. She hesitantly does, my hearts beating like crazy. This is it, if I don't do it now I don't think I ever will.

I put my hands onto her waist gently pulling her closer, she doesn't push away instead leans into my touch.

I take in everything on Jennies face, her sharp eyes that turn soft when we make eye contact, her delicate looking lips that I love, everything about her is beautiful. She surprises me when she moves forward and kisses me. I instantly react and kiss her back just as fiercely, her lips are as soft as I imagined, her tongue effortlessly tangled with my own. We pull apart both out of breath, as soon as we make eye contact we Burst out laughing. I hide my head in the crook of her neck embarrassed. She pulls me in closer running her hands stroking my back softly. giving me chills and butterflies, of all the people that i've met no one has made me feel the way Jennie does.

"Soojin" she says softly.


"I like you" I smile into her neck.

"I like you too"


a little throwback hehe.

#shuhua #jennie

The love we shareTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon