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That lunch was rather interesting, When Jing Yuan knew that you mistook him for Yanqing's father he didn't seem to mind, But Yanqing on the other hand was m
embarrassed. Yanqing was now on the outside with Mimi as he was playing with the Lion. And you and Jing Yuan are looking at him.

“I thought Yanqing was your son.” You spoke as you gave him a stare. He laughs and gives you a stare, “I don't mind with us being accused with such, Yanqing grew up under my care after all— when he was still a baby i remember he was as grumpy, He never stops crying day and night. I'd stay up holding him on my arms as I sign documents.” You gave him a warm smile and looked at Yanqing and Mimi's direction.

“You must really love this child, You are a very.. very kind person General.” You said but he looked at you, stepping closer as his gaze went in your eyes, His amber irises staring at yours, pupils dilating as his breath hitched on how close you two are. “You're wrong Dr. Y/N.” His stare was intense, you felt the tension rise up as you faced him.

“I'm not a good person.” Jing Yuan said with a bitter smile. You looked at him with adoration on your eyes as you held his hands. “You are.” Jing Yuan's eyes widened as he felt your touch, A thousand volts of electricity came rushing to him as he suddenly thought of something that's out of the line.

Jing Yuan's eyes trailed behind your figure walking towards Mimi and Yanqing— His hand went up to his mouth covering it, he was still shocked by the sudden surge of thoughts. He gave  chuckle, “Yes, Yes.. I'm not a kind person..” He said as he continues to stare at you at a far distance with you playing with Mimi and Yanqing.

He suddenly drifted to sleep in the afternoon, And you were there staring at his peaceful sleeping expression; You rest your head against your palm as you pouted at him. Yanqing and Mimi were also fast asleep, With Yanqing leaning on Mimi's coat both asleep because they were tired of playing. You laughed as you   saw them they were cute.

A leaf landed on Jing Yuan's face which made your lips pursed on a thin line wondering if you should get it or just leave it be, You felt your eyelids getting heavier— It must be because of the fact that you haven't gone a goodnight's sleep since you started to dream of that nightmare. You softly touched the leaf on his cheeks and got it away and smiled you sat beside him eyes slowly shutting close.

Yukong had stopped by and saw you asleep, on Jing Yuan's shoulder— With Mimi and Yanqing on the other side. Yukong's eyes widened; She stopped Tingyun from speaking. “Let's go, The General is taking his sweet afternoon nap.” Tingyun nodded but as Yukong left. Tingyun had a mischief in her mind.

She brought out her camera and snapped two photos, One with you and Jing Yuan. And two with Yanqing and Mimi. She gave a mischievous giggle as she thought for a moment. “Now, How much strale should I sell this for General?” She said and left the place completely.

Jing Yuan woke up, His eyes landed on a (H/C) colored locks on his shoulders realizing that it was you made his eyes widened. He held a strand of your hair as he kissed it, “You never fail to surprise me, Do you? Y/N.” He said and chuckles.

Your scent was sweet, but you can smell the medicinal herbs probably because you were working in the hospital for hours but he didn't mind. He also noticed that apart from your uniform he hasn't really saw you on anything other from it. You were a busy Doctor and he comended you for being so loyal and devoted to treating his soldiers or just the normal Xianzhou Residents.

You woke up as you immediately sat up, Hearing a chuckle from Jing Yuan. “Seems like my shoulder was a nice pillow was it, Dr. Y/N?” You grew red as you looked away. “I.. Apologize.” You said but he looked at you with a small smirk. “Is this your way of saying that you like me?” Your eyes widened, and you felt shy. And stood up from your seat. “I.. I need to go. Thank you for inviting me to lunch General.” You said and hurriedly walked away.

Jing Yuan laughs, He couldn't understand you— Sometimes you were cold, in sometimes you were bold and sometimes you were shy, Either way it's very very much intriguing how many emotions you could give with those (E/C) colored eyes of yours, That whenever he stares in those irises he feels like he was held captive, your soft lips that would curved into a playful smile and whenever your wyes closed and formed into a upside crescent, He didn't want to admit but he likes it.

Truly you were an interesting woman, Jing Yuan let out a defeated sigh as he saw the two— yanqing and mimi still sleeping he woke up the boy as he tap his cheek softly, “Yanqing, Yanqing..” He said gently. Yanqing opened his eyes groggily as his head goes into Jing Yuan's shoulder.

“five more minutes.. General.” he said on his shoulders, Jing Yuan laughed. “You must have a really good time playing with Dr. Y/N and Mimi.” He said patting his blond locks. “You did well at training and your errand today, I'll give this to you.” He chuckles again and carried the boy on his back before going to Yanqing's room. He gently placed him on the bed as he came back to his office to resume his general duties.

When a foxian lady came into his office holding a folder, “General! I have a really.. really good offer for you.” Tingyun said making Jing Yuan's eyebrow raised.


[ Yay! Happy Birthday to me!
🥳 Expect 2 more chapters
within today ]

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