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"Lieutenant Yanqing. You may be a high ranking in the knights but in my eyes as a doctor you are but a child, and a wounded one at that. And as your doctor your health was entrusted by General to me." You said calmly at the child who gave you a pout and a glare.

You sat beside his bed and smiled at him, "If you listen to me the wound will get better in no time. I'm sure you already know this right? You're not a baby anymore." You asked, he blushed and nodded. "Thank you for understanding Lieutenant Yanqing." Yanqing tugged your shirt as he looked up to you.

"Call me Yanqing please!" Your mouth parted as you nodded. "Then you can call me Y/N too." You pat his head and he nodded. But the door to his room opened revealing Jing Yuan, In his usual General Outfit, Yanqing's eyes lit up to see the general. "General!"

He chuckles at the young one's enthusiasm, "Hello there young one, And hello there Dr. Y/N, I hope this one didn't cause you any trouble." You giggled. "No not at all, infact he behaved very well." You said and smiled.

You left them alone as you came back to your office, but you saw three people coming your way a man with brown hair and white streaks, a short pink haired with unique hue colors in her irises, And a tall man with a rather calm and stoic face he had a gray hair. As they stopped infront of you, You greeted them with a slight wave and a smile. "Welcome, How May I help you? Are you sick? Or do you have someone to visit?"

The man with brown hair cleared his throat, "We are ehem. Here to investigate some things regarding some matters would you mind answering our questions.. Miss..?" Your lips parted and you nodded, "My name is Y/N, And yes. I'll do my best to answer your questions."

"Fantastic, My name is Welt Yang. This is March Seventh, and Caelus. We are from Astral Express, and we are General Jing Yuan's guests." So they were the hot topic from the higher commissions you never was interested but you had heard some outsiders landing into the Luofu.

"Is there any soldiers here.. how to say this? Ah.. perhaps lost their humanity?" His question caught you off guard which made you thought, "I haven't witness a case like that. I am probably not the best one to ask this. I recently just started working here in this hospital I do apologize." You said and sighed closing your eyes.

"Oh I see, that's unfortunate but thank you for answering." The woman said with a smile, you gave them a smile back as they continued to go to the hospital heading towards Yanqing's room. What they have said made you think; To your curiosity you came to the Hospital's Confidential Room and searched through the old and dusted documentaries in the shelves.

Until you saw a certain box with a restricted sign on it, You opened it as you saw the documents, It was a bunch of Cloud Knight's profile- all of them had one thing in common, Their disease was called. 'Mara' your curiosity is now on its highest peak.

"What is Mara..?" You mumbled and left the room troubled, you decided to gather information about it by maybe asking the older staffs about the disease. When you finally saw the little girl you asked her about the question which made her stop and look at you.

"It's not a disease but a life-long curse. The Aeon, that is Yaoshi of Abundance bestowed a tree in Xianzhou Luofu many years ago claiming that it's fruit if was consumed people will gain immortality, Indeed it was right. But it came with a heavy price. The people who ate the fruit felt the long and negative effect of immortality- They called it Mara. And unfortunately it turned them into beasts."

You were stunned at the info Bailu gave you. "This is why those who are living thousand years in Xianzhou is still in danger, Because They can turn into Mara anytime.. anywhere.." She said.

"This is the reason why, Xianzhou Luofu does not agree with Yaoshi. Aeon of Abundance."

There was no cure for Mara, It was just a curse that people have to bear for the rest of their immortal lives. But isn't it that cruel? They have to suffer. Alone in pain. Lost to your thoughts you didn't see Jing Yuan in front of you.

"You seem lost Dr. Y/N? You may trip if you're not careful." He said and chuckled. Looking at him your lips pursed into a thin line as you lock eyes with each other. "Hello again General." You greeted him, to your surprise he wasn't alone. You were greeted by the same lion as it circled around you waiting to be pet. "Oh it's you~". You laughed and kneeled down and ruffled it's fluffy hair.

"Mimi, That's it's name." You looked up at him in shock- The lion was huge, and the general himself was tall, intimidating in battlefield. "You named.. Mimi?" You let out a laugh. Jing Yuan rubbed his nape as he looked away, "I might need to change his name now when I think about it."

You laughed even more and hugged Mimi, "Don't Mimi is the cutest name! It suits him look at him!" Mimi tilted his head as his blue eyes locked to both you and Jing Yuan. "He suddenly spun around you and Jing Yuan which made you giggle at his cuteness. "Well aren't you being a little playful today Mimi?" You asked and giggled, Jing Yuan looked at you with a small smile.

"Dr. Y/N, May I invite you for a cup of tea? How about a game of chess?" He asked, your lips parted as thought for a moment, but you looked down to see Mimi waiting for your answer in pure anticipation- So, you nodded.

MY PRETTY GENERAL! | ##jingyuanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang