Part 5

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     "You can wash up, I'll get you some dry clothes." J-Hope told her before leaving. Y/n did what he said and tried to remove her clothes. It was really sticking to her skin. Not a few minutes later she heard knocking on the door. She put a towel around her chest and carefully opened the door. When she saw that it was J-Hope she pulled him inside.

     He was flustered to see her like this and avoided eye contact. "H-Here are some dry clothes. I'm sorry they probably won't fit you but this is all I have." He gave her the clothes. "Thank you." She took the clothes and suddenly kissed him on the cheek. His cheeks were turning red and he just ran out.

     Y/n saw him getting flustered and she chuckled at his cuteness. She locked the door and continued. Meanwhile J-Hope was standing outside the door. Still reminiscing what happened just now. His heart was beating so fast.

     "What's wrong with you?" Taehyung asked. He came to see if everything was alright. "Why are you so red? Did you guys do something naughty in here?" Taehyung joked but felt a bit jealous. "We would never, she doesn't see me like that." J-Hope said as a joke. "You are really blind, Hobi. She's madly in love with you." Taehyung explained. "Have you ever seen her with another man? No, because she was happy when she was with you." Taehyung added. "Are you sure about that?" J-Hope frowned. "Dude! She has the same look as me when I look at her. Of course I would know." Taehyung shook his head in disbelief and walked away, leaving J-Hope in shock.

     Why was his heart going into overdrive just now? Why he felt happiness when Taehyung said that Y/n loved him. It was hard to believe because for all these years he thought that she only saw him as a good friend and nothing more. He felt a sprinkle of hope. He decided to take the first step the moment she stepped out of the bathroom. But when she did he froze and stared at her. She was wearing a hoodie that was too large that she could use as a skirt. She looked really cute and sexy at the same time. "Y-You..." He wanted to complement her but words didn't come out.

     Y/n frowned her eyebrows by his sudden flustered face. She went closer to him, inspecting his face. But his gaze turned away from hers. For some reason he couldn't look her in the eye anymore. "J-Hope? What's wrong? Why are you acting this way? Did I do something wrong?" Y/n began to worry. "No!" He turned his head towards her. "You did nothing wrong. It's just... Aghh!" He ruffled in his hair and turned around walking away.

     Y/n followed him behind and he walked in his bedroom. "I... I'm going to change myself." He tried to close the door but Y/n didn't let him and burst in. "J-Hope? I know something is wrong. Speak to me!" She raised her voice because she began to get anxious by his behavior.

     He let go of the door, giving Y/n free entrance and walked towards the window. Even though it was already dark outside he was looking at the people still partying outside. He stayed quiet for a while before speaking. "I... I'm in love with you." He kept looking down to the people, having fun in the pool. He suddenly felt arms wrapping around his waist. Squeezing him really hard.

     "Finally." Y/n said with a smile. "J-Hope looked down at her hands and it also put a smile on his face. He laid his hands on top of her soft and fragile ones. He turned around, facing Y/n and in no time he kissed her on the lips while holding one side of her jaw line. Pushing it slightly up so that he could kiss her better. With his body he pushed her slowly towards the bed. Y/n stumbled against the bed frame and fell on her back. J-Hope hovered on top of her with lustful eyes and kissed her again. After a while J-Hope broke the kiss and stood up.

     His cold clothes that were sticking on his skin reminded him that he needed to change. "I'll get dressed. We need to go back down." J-Hope said with a smile and walked towards his closet. But Y/n didn't want to go back. She saw him taking some clothes and grabbed his hand. "Let's go shower together." She said pulling him somewhere. She opened the door from the bathroom and entered. Locking the door behind them so no one would disturb them. What happens in the bathroom? Well let your imagination go.

The end

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