The Night-pt2 some loree

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Hi guys!! This is going to be a short chapter since it's just another part

The second Seek closed his eyes, he felt peace, he loved the darkness, for everyone, it seemed cold, for him, it's just the way you look at it, after a few minutes of blissful silence, his nightmares came into action.

Dione was back from work, as soon as she opened the door, she saw Andrew slapping Seek brutally while Hide was passed out in the corner with cuts on his face and glass and alcohol all over the floor,"No, Andrew!" Dione cried. "Please don't take your anger on the kids!" Seek was crying and was trying to protect Hide and himself. His mother carried a knocked out Hide and grabbed Seek and ran to the other room and locked it. "Baby, what happened?" She was worried, very worried. Seek said, his voice cracking "Mom, I was in m-my room a-and daddy was drin-drinking and h-hide went to tell daddy it's not good b-but daddy threw the bottle on h-hide mom-" "sshh it's alright, now can you stay here love? Mom will get something to clean your brother's wounds. She closed the door. Seek told himself, "It's going to be alright, Mom is getting the medkit, and hide is going to be alright... right?" Just then, he heard shouting and a loud thud echoing. Seek was scared but dared himself to check. Next, what he saw scarred him for life.
His mother's limp body is on the ground.

He took a second to realize that his mother was dead.
He saw his father gather his bottles and run out of the house. He cried, cried so much "Mom please wake up,mom, MOM," he shouted, tears streaming down his face. He saw the kit near her, he grabbed it and ran to hide's room. His thinking was that 'if one is lost , at least save the other'. He saw the instruction manual and learned how to clean up a wound. After burning his hand one or two times, he cleaned his wounds, and then he sprinkled water on hide's face. Hide woke up, confused. "Seek? What happened to yo-" "HIDE MOMS DEAD CALL THE FUCKING AMBULANCE" Hide's confused face turned to one of disbelief. "What?-" "JUST CALL PLEASE" Hide ran to the living room and saw the scene. He broke down looking at his now dead mother, but this is no time to fret. " Seek, get our mother on the bed." Seek held her head and hide held her legs. After minutes of pushing, they finally got their mother on the bed and called the ambulance. Hide's voice was cracking, so Seek did the talking as if his voice was better,but then he felt someone shaking the whole place. It was someone calling out their name. "Seek, SEEK, HEY"

Seek finally woke up and felt cold sweat on his face. His tears were also mingling with the sweat. "Seek, are you alright? You were twitching in your bed and shouting, "You know you can tell me, I'm your friend."" Figure asked, worried for his friend. After Seek opened his eyes, he saw how Figure and him were in such close proximity. He blushed, and the figure got the signal. He too blushed and backed up. "S-sorry, would you mind telling me what happened? It looked scary." Figure asked. "Sorry, Figure, I'm really sorry, could I tell you some other time? I'm not comfortable. " Seek sighed. "Oh, it's alright. How about you sleep with me?" Figure asked innocently. This  made all the sleepiness from Seek drain. "What?!" "Oh its nothing, I just thought you'd feel safe,and maybe get rid of your nightmare, you know?" "Uh, it's a daily occurrence, but uh, okay?" Seek said, blushing deeply. "Hey, your heartbeat rate is going high. You good?"he asked. "No, I'm good," Seek mumbled." Okay, come! I usually don't sleep so you can take all the space you want!" Figure said happily. Seek awkwardly slept in his bed, then Figure did something I don't think any friend would do (no they did not fuck you idiots) Figure wanted Seek to know that he is a friend and friends help out each other, he whispered in his ear "I will always be here for you" and hugged Seek. Seek was silently crying at how sweet Figure was. He never had anyone like this.
He decided to give this place another try.
(btw its still platonic seek is just delusional)

A/n: Hey guys, I hope you liked this chapter. More lore will be released❤️❤️

I love yall so much

Until next time

Published may 29th 2023

In The Abandoned Hotel(SeekxFigure)Where stories live. Discover now