The hotel's Mysteries

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Hide and Seek were finally here, this "haunted hotel" where lots of people went missing.But, they were just 19 at the time, of course, they should've known better, but curiosity took over them.
So they snuck out of their cabin home , without their caretaker, Lina's knowledge.
"So, this is it?" Hide asked, eyeing the huge hotel's big bronze doors up and down.
"I-i guess-" Seek was interrupted by a flash of lighting striking the hotel. Both of them internally panicked but were scared to shout, thinking that anything can pop out of nowhere and kill them in a flash. But they had to go in, they have no other option. They had no cell phone, no sense of direction, and how to go back, so they were basically stranded here, might as well go in, they thought.
A second or two later, the doors, as if knowing they were there, opened, it made such a loud noise it echoed in the entire hotel. Seek was now more intrigued to go in, but Hide sensed this was the start of a terrifying journey. (wow okay)

The minute they stepped in, the doors closed, leaving another loud banging noise. They looked across the hotel, but it was really empty, other than a couple of worn out couches, chairs, a mysterious black puddle of goo and a cupboard.
"This looks like a very old hotel right?" Hide asked.
"No shit Sherlock, it was abandoned in the 1800's" Seek replied sarcastically
"Oh wait, you see that?" Hide asked, pointing towards the goo.
"Yea?- wait, lets go explore it?" Seek asked, being the complete idiot he is
"Sure! I'll check the cupboard, and you'll check the goo?" Hide asked, completely unaware about what is about to happen
"Okay, but stay safe, okay?"Seek said, worried all of a sudden
"You too, i dont want to lose another person.." Hide trailed off.

A/N: hey yall, so basically this is a seek x figure but def other ones too
This was published at 17 may 2023
And way more will be coming up👺💅\
Byee i hope u like thiss

In The Abandoned Hotel(SeekxFigure)Where stories live. Discover now