Avengers Tower

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Steve Rogers looked up from his steaming mug of Americano. Through wall to ceiling bulletproof glass panes of the Avengers Tower, his eyes met a Herculean man's brilliant blue eyes. Lightning dancing in those eyes reminded him of Thor. Except this guy's hair is short and black, his face as clean as a baby's.

The heavily muscled man clad in red spandex, with a lightning bolt on his chest and a short white cape, hovered at Steve's eye level, greeting him with a small wave and a big bright little boy's smile, even as he exuded waves of power which would trigger Tony's paranoia.

"Have you see Thor?" The man mouthed with wide-eyed innocence. He looked lost. That's probably it. A lost Asgardian. Or possibly a lost brother of Thor's?

"You know? Thor?" Lightning danced at his fingertips, like putty in a child's hands. Big mistake.

The Avengers Quinjet behind the big guy in red, Iron Man in front of him.
"Stop. You're trespassing!" Tony warned the intruder.

The Herculean lightning guy raised his hands placatingly. "I come in peace."

A stray lightning bolt escaped his hands and hit Iron Man, shorting his armour.
"Sorry!" The red suited man looked horrified as Black Widow maneuvered the Quinjet to catch Tony. "I didn't mean it. Honest!"

Mjolnir, raging with thunder and lightning, flew towards the newcomer who caught it with casual ease.
"Cool!" Delight lit his face as he played with Thor's hammer. "This feels amazing." Childlike awe lit the mighty man's face.

Thor's face turned as red as the intruders suit.  "How can you be deemed worthy to  wield Mjonir?" With a gesture, Thor recalled his hammer.

"You must be Thor!" Joy coloured the intruder's voice. "I'm Captain M..."

Thor's hammer struck the Captain's cheek, sending the poor guy spinning through the clouds.

"Holy Moley!" The Captain corrected his trajectory, "Is that how you greet visitors?"

Thor's fist slammed into the big man's nose. It had to hurt.

Hand nursing his nose, the Captain dodged Thor's hammer, and thrust his knee into Thor's abdomen.

Doubling over, clutching his stomach in pain, the Thunder god roared. His fury resonated through the sky as dark clouds loomed at his command. Hands clenched together, he struck the Captain.

The Herculean red-suited man crashed through the window, whizzing an inch from Steve, through a series of brick walls and out through the bullet proof glass panel on the other side of the building.

Shrugging, coffee mug in hand, Steve turned his attention back to the monitor to better monitor the brawl.

"Enough," boomed Captain's deep baritone as he appeared behind Thor, immobilizing the thunder god in an arm lock. The guy in red moved faster than the eye could see. He's faster than Quicksilver and as strong and durable as Thor.

"I came to seek your help, not fight you," Big red's voice had an apologetic quality to it.

The Avenger twitched his nose. A disgusted frown crossed his face. "You smell of my brother," he grimaced.

Without releasing his grip on Thor, the Captain sniffed his own shoulder, crinkling his face in disgust. "It's worse in this universe. Back home, I don't stink in this form."

Thor's roars of laughter startled the big man. "I see why you're here now. He pranked you."

Releasing his hold on Thor, the red suited man offered his hand to the Avenger. "I'm Captain Marvel," he grinned.

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