The Amazon's Son

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Princess Diana, Ambassador of the Amazons, waited in her balcony for her promised son.

Right on time!
Her keen eyes spotted twin incoming streaks - one red, one blue.
Superman landed with a huge suitcase in each hand.
"Bye for now, Bill!" Big Blue waved at Big Red. "Feel free to pop over anytime."

Captain Marvel landed beside Diana. A child's backpack - ridiculously small, slung over his massive shoulder; a plush toy tiger tucked under his arm.

"Hi Diana," the Herculean red-suited man flashed a shy, boyish smile. Those brilliant blue eyes shone with childlike awe.

"Thanks, Clark." Diana took the bags from Superman. "I'll take over Billy's care now."

Clark looked like she had kicked a puppy.
"Go. He's in good hands," she laughed, pushing Superman off her balcony.

"Aye, aye, Ma'am!" With a salute and a smirk, Superman flew off.

"Diana, I can manage," Captain Marvel wrested the suitcases from Wonder Woman.

"Your room's this way," Diana led Marvel down the hall, past a crystal fountain and an indoor garden to a wooden door. "You can change here," she pointed at the stone floor beneath the atrium.

"Shazam," resounded the deep baritone voice. Thunder and lightning answered his call.

The light faded.

In place of ridiculously muscular man, stood a tiny gaunt boy. He was so thin, his bones poked through his skin. His brilliant blue eye glistened like a baby deer's facing an oncoming car. Her big brother, the confident, powerfully built Marvel, had become an insecure little child.

The tiny one's stomach rumbled.
Her heart ached at the sight of the hungry little boy in a the ratty sweater and worn out jeans. He looked like hadn't bathed in months. He bit his lip and stared at the ground, uncertain. As if waiting for her to throw him out.

Then the stench hit her.
Like urine, cigarettes and rats, mingled and concentrated.

She was too aware of Billy's wary eyes watching her reaction. Pushing aside the instinct to gag, she forced a smile.

"Didn't Clark let you bathe?" She cringed.

"Just did. Before leaving his fortress," Billy looked so embarrassed, Diana longed to take her words back.

"It's the price I gotta pay for my power, i guess," he shuffled his feet, uncomfortable.

"What do you mean?" Diana's curiosity piqued as she acclimated to his unique odor.

"Whenever I transform back to myself, I go back to the way I was when the Wizard gave me powers." The adorable boy's shy smile lit the room. "He chose me for my pure heart," Billy shrugged. "Something to do with choosing a kid."

It made sense. Keep him forever a little boy. Pure of heart. But that didn't explain the need for that stench. Diana was perplexed.

"I know I stink. If it's that bad, I really don't have to stay here," the tiny child gave her an apologetic grin.

Diana felt like a heel when Billy's small shoulders sagged. He put on his backpack which now looked too large for his tiny frame. "I can find my way out." His eyes were wet, his voice shaky.

"That's not what I meant, Billy." Holding her breath, she picked up the tiny child, cradling him like the precious bundle he was. "You're going into the bath."

Billy's face turned white. He squirmed like a caterpillar in the face of a hovering bird. When she opened the bathroom door, unabashed horror painted his face. Trembling, he wrapped his noodle arms around himself. "I can bathe myself!"

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