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Prince Aemond is rudely awakened by his chamber doors being thrashed open. He springs to action and draws his sword, ready to fight off whatever threat may be, only to find his darling wife being carried in by a member of the Kingsguard. Aemond drops his sword in an instant, but as he rushes to her aid, he notices dark red blood dripping down from between her thighs and staining her cream-colored nightgown.

Suddenly everything stops for the prince. His body freezes as does his mind, and in his eyes ignites a flaming inferno. He's enraged. He's pissed.

Aemond leaps for the knight, grabbing him by the armor and throwing him against the nearest wall, where the prince towers over the innocent man.

" How could you let this happen?!" He shouts in a fit of pure anger, " You're supposed to protect her!"

" I-I found her in the dragon pit, my prince," The knight utters, " She was already bleeding when I got there-- I swear!"

" Then you are not fit for your job, are you?" Aemond menacingly ponders, " Perhaps you are not fit to live at all."

In a matter of seconds, Aemond has a small dagger in his hands and uses it to slice the poor knight's throat, allowing him to bleed out as he falls down to the ground beneath his feet, and in an instant, Aemond turns around and rushes to his wife who leans against the bedpost.

" Ñuha jorrāelagon ( My love )" He whispers as he cups her face with both of his hands, " What happened?"

Vaemyra looks up into her husband's eye as her own are filled with tears, both real and not, and takes a shakey breath as her mind comes up with words that are not technically untrue.

" Īles daor meant naejot sagon ( It was not meant to be )" She utters as the blood continues to drip down her thighs and onto the floor.

Aemond then wraps his arms around his wife, bringing her into his embrace to console her, as well as himself. He stays strong for her, but Vaemyra just stares blankly as he hugs her. Her eyes have a glimmer in them, a hint, a sparkle, and it all disappears the moment Aemond pulls back to gaze upon her solemn face. He first kisses her forehead, then leans down and gently kisses her lips.

" As long as I have you... nothing else matters," He whispers as his thumb rubs against her cheekbone.

" Nothing?" She questions.

" What would possibly be more important than my wife?"

" The throne."

Aemond is somewhat surprised by her words, and though he certainly does not value the Iron Throne more than his own wife... it is certainly something he holds near and dear to his heart.

" I see the way you look at it... and I see the way you look at Aegon," She states, " You think he's unworthy... you think you'd make a better king."

" Careful... your words could be counted as treason," Aemond corrects, his face still inches away from hers, " Your sister is heir... not our brother."

" Do you deny it?" Vaemyra questions.

Her words give him pause. She knows the truth, she knows exactly what she wants.

" No," He answers simply.

And she finds it difficult to hide her smile, yet still manages to do so. Vaemyra brings her hand up to her husband's head, where she brushes through his luscious silver hair. She leans forward and kisses his lips, starting out soft and getting more and more passionate as her hands continue to move around his body. She props herself on the bed and raises up the end of her dress. She reaches down to remove Aemond's cock from its confinements whilst their lips are still locked.

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