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" Tell me what happened?"

Vaemyra stands before her father, the King's Guard and the Hand, still in her dragon-scented clothes, inside the candlelit room of her bed chambers where her husband's body has just been removed and will be soon prepared for his funeral.

" Someone climbed in through the window and killed him," Vaemyra lies without a second thought.

" Did you see their face?" Viserys asks, to which his daughter shakes his head, then he turns to his guards, " Search the grounds. Our killer might yet still be here."

As the King's Guard departs, her father hobbles closer to her whilst using his cane for balance.

" I am sorry for your loss, Vaemyra," He utters softly, " Ser Arthur was such a fine man."

" Indeed," Vaemyra lies once more as she nods.

Viserys gives his daughter a gentle kiss on her head, before hobbling out of the room with his Hand, and just while Vaemyra thinks she'll be all alone, she turns around to see the Queen standing by her door.

The two women lock eyes, and speak no words to each other. Alicent seems to know exactly what happened, or at least has her suspicions. And if anything... she's quite envious. Of course, she's grown to love her dear husband... but marriage has stolen so much from her. It's given her a loving family... but at what cost?

" Goodnight, princess," Alicent utters.

" Goodnight, my Queen," Vaemyra nods.

In the days that come, Arthur's funeral is nothing special. Sure, people mourn his loss, but for Vaemyra, it's all for show, for what she truly wants to do is celebrate. She doesn't want to pretend to be sad for a day, sad about her husband being murdered, because she's the one who killed him in the first place. But, nonetheless, she presents herself the way the public wishes to see her-- as a grieving widow.

By the end of the day, she's sat with her sister, who holds her hand as the two girls overlook the sea together.

" How are you feeling?" Rhaenyra asks.

" Sȳz (Fine)" Vaemyra responds simply.

" Sepār sȳz? (Just fine?)" The heir questions.

To which Vaemyra slowly turns her head to lock eyes with her sister.

" Ao gīmigon skoro syt gaoman daor ilimagho (You know why I do not mourn)"

Rhaenyra nods as she understands her sister's words. After all, Vaemyra had to confide in someone during the hellish escapades of marriage.

As the sisters sit on the bench, just enjoying the solitude and the salty sea air, they're soon joined by Rhaenyra's husband.

" Princesses," Laenor nods as he places his hands behind his back, " Should I offer my condolences?"

" They're not needed, Laenor," Vaemyra responds, then turns her head to face him, " But thank you for asking."

Laenor gives a gentle smile, before he steps forward and grabs the sister's intertwined hand, and places a kiss on both their fingers. He then steps away to give the girls more time together, and away from the crowd.

" Borros has been looking for you all morning," Rhaenyra notes.

" Let him," Vaemyra sighs, " It doesn't mean he will find me."

The day ends without any notable events. The people mourn, and Vaemyra pretends to, and by the time she's back in her room, a smirk dances upon her lips.

She's gotten away with it all, and for another year, Vaemyra thinks she'll never be married again. And she thinks nothing of it when her father sends her on a diplomatic mission to Dorne. To her, it just means that she's growing older and assuming more duties. Vaemyra makes sure to give some love to Freya before she departs. As much as she loves her, Freya is not the dragon she will be riding. She scratches underneath Freya's jaw, making her groan with delight. With a smile on her face, Vaemyra hops onto Drea and settles herself in the saddle, before flying off into the Westerosi heat and heading south to that of Dorne, home to House Martell.

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