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The half-sister Targaryen princess' sit together within the Red Keep, keeping each other company as Helaena endures a pregnancy. Throughout the months of growing a babe, Vaemyra has attached herself to Helaena's hip, switching between her and the king for those she takes care of and watches over.

And anyone who dares to mess with either will be met with dragon fire.

Vaemyra braids her sister's hair as she stitches together a quite beautiful and mesmerizing bug, but an animal that is foreign to the elder princess. She's never seen it before but admires its beauty, nonetheless.

" It's a beetle," Helaena notes as she feels her sister's confusion.

" It's beautiful," Vaemyra adds as she continues to twist the hair between her fingers, " What's the meaning behind this one?"

But instead of a response, Helaena freezes. She sits ever so still, eyes wide and unblinking with the answer on the tip of her tongue but never leaving her mouth.

" Nothing," She quickly fibs, then continues the patchwork.

" Everything has a meaning with you," The elder sister says softly, " Out with it."

Helaena stays focused on the stitching in her hands that rests on her round stomach.

" The night always comes when the moon is full," She mumbles to herself.

But Vaemyra catches it yet again. She almost always understands Helaena's premonitions... but this one she can make no sense of. Her words fall flat on the mind of the princess, and so she moves on from it entirely.

The maester soon comes and relives Vaemyra of her duties, allowing her to roam freely, and where else would she go other than to her children? Vaemyra rides on Drea's back once more, allowing her children to be free and roam the skies together. They fly through the warm and blue Westerosi sky with not a care in the world, seemingly having the entire sky to themselves until someone or something emerges from below. Vaemyra looks down and sees the colossal body and wings of the largest dragon in the world.


And as big as Drea may be, she's not as large as the Queen of all dragons. Vaemyra sees Aemond's head turn up to face her with a devilish smirk on his face, to which she ignores and instead has Drea fly straight up into the clouds, where Freya and Rhaeyn follow suit.

Aemond instantly accepts the challenge and has Vhagar fly after them, still seeing the small bit of red that is Rhaeyn.

But to his surprise, the princess and her dragons aren't anywhere to be found. They seem to have disappeared into the clouds. And even when he and Vhagar fly out of the clouds and see all of Kings Landing, they still have no idea where the hell they could be.

Only when Aemond returns to the dragon pit does he see Vaemyra with her children. He chuckles as he approaches whilst she pets her only son.

" Took you long enough," Vaemyra brushes off.

" My apologies. I will indeed do better next time," Aemond smirks as he stands before her and the dragon.

" Next time?" She questions as she turns to face him.

" Of course," He states as he steps forward, " I can't let you win every time."

" Clearly you know nothing about me."

" I know you don't like to lose."

" Obviously."

" And neither do I."

As Vaemyra gazes upon his eye, she sees and feels his words to be true, and she sees just how much he has grown. No more is he that little child that was constantly bullied by his brother and cast aside by everyone else.

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