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" We stand here in the sight of gods and men to witness the union of man and wife: one flesh, one heart, one soul, now and forever. Let it be known that Princess Helaena of House Targaryen and Prince Aegon of House Targaryen are one heart, one flesh, one soul. Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder."

The wedding of Aegon and Helaena came quickly and without fuss. The Lords and Ladies of the realm all agreed to show up for the marvelous day, to celebrate the union of the prince and princess.

But all throughout the ceremonies, Aegon has his eyes on someone else, someone he didn't just marry.

All night long Aegon stares at his older sister. He stares at Vaemyra as he eats his food and drinks his wine, and even as he dances with his poor wife. Vaemyra ignores his longing gazes and instead focuses on her father, who's barely able to keep his head up.

The queen notices as well, and orders for the king to be taken back to his chambers.

Viserys is unable to open his eyes, he hides his head in his hands as he's taken out of the throne room. He truly wanted to be here for today, but he cannot stay any longer.

As Aemond sits by Vaemyra's side, he can tell that her mood is damped by the departure of their father. Though he is not yet an adult, he is no more a child. He's just recently 16, and has grown taller than all of his siblings over the years.

But when Aemond rises from his chair and turns to his sister, he's beaten to the punch by his own brother.

" Vaemyra, sweetling... come dance with me," Aegon smirks with a breath that stinks of wine.

" No thank you, Aegon," Vaemyra sighs as she picks up her goblet of wine and looks over his shoulder, " You have a wife to dance with."

" I already danced with her, and now I wanna dance with you," The prince whines as his brows furrow whilst he leans against the wooden table.

" She already said no, brother," Aemond buts it, " Leave it be."

To which the prince scoffs.

" You can't tell me what to do," Aegon drunkenly boasts, " If I want to dance with my sister, I can fucking dance with my sister, and you can't stop me because you're not even married yet!"

Three sets of eyes go wide.



And Aemond.

Whilst still sitting, Vaemyra looks up at him and Aemond looks down at her, his eye-locking on hers from their brother's words.

" We're betrothed?" He asks.

" You didn't know?" Aegon ponders, dumbfoundedly.

" No, Aegon, he did not know," Vaemyra states as her eyes stay locked on her betrothed.

" My bad," Aegon scoffs, then reaches for another goblet of wine.

Leaving his two siblings to have quite an uncomfortable conversation. Aemond wasn't meant to know this early. All he had to do is wait a little bit longer, then the queen and princess would have told him... but fucking Aegon just had to spoil the surprise.

Alicent stands up from her chair and places her hand on her son's shoulder, taking the attention away from the princess and allowing her to depart from the celebrations within the blink of an eye, but as she walks down the halls, her betrothed follows.

" Vaemyra!" He calls out as he struts to her, " Vaemyra! How long have you known?"

" A while," She responds simply as she begins to walk up the steps.

Inferno | House of the DragonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora