Chapter 76

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Scarlett POV

Today Rose is coming over to my house. Romain had an emergency so he asked to drop her off for a week. I made plans with Lena as well. I wanted to spend the day with Rose but it turns out Rose would like us to go see the aquarium. Since Lena already promised it's a done deal. I told her about it and she said she'll pick us up and then we'll go. I told her Rose need a seat for a toddler and she just ignored me. I guess I'll take it out of my car.

Romain drops Rose off and we head into the kitchen.

"I didn't eat so much food at daddy's. It's all weird and gross." She says as she munches on an egg sandwich.

"How come sweetheart?" I ask her.

"His friend only makes weird food. It's not yummy like yours mama." She says.

"Thank you darling. Do you know where we're going today?" I ask her.

"To see the fishies!" She says excited.

"Yes, but we're not going alone. Lena will join us." I say

"Yaaay" She shouts happily.

"You're happy she's coming?" I ask her.

"Of course! She is my friend." She says

"She will be here any minute. How about you go and change?" I ask her.

"Okay." she says and runs off to her room.

I hear the doorbell ring and go to open the front door. I'm met with the ever so familiar hazel eyes.

"Lena." I say and hug her quickly.

"Hello darling. Is the little one here?" She asks

"Yeah she's busy changing upstairs." I say as we enter the house.

"Good." she says and with that pins me to the wall in the hallway and kisses me while holding onto my jaw with one hand, the other is secured on my hip, keeping me in place.

Just as it got heated she steps away. I whine at the loss of contact.

"I heard steps." She says and I look at her weird. I didn't hear anything.

Surely enough in a matter of seconds, Rose runs into the room.

"Lena!" she shouts running to her. Lena picks her up and hugs her while holding her.

"I missed you darling." She says holding her securely.

"I got this shirt for you." Rose says

Lena carries her into the living room and sits down with her on her lap.

"Let me see the shirt. Oh wow, a turtle. Very pretty." She says acting like it is the best this she's ever seen in her life.

"Remember when you got me a turtle?" Rose asks her

"Yes I do." She says

"I named him sparkles, he likes to cuddle." Rose says.

"Nice name. How about we hit the road and go see another real one?" She asks her nicely.

"Mama can we go?" She asks me with those big baby eyes.

"Yes sweetheart, we can go right away."

Lena grabs Rose and puts her on her shoulders and carries her outside.

"Lena I didn't take out the special seat for Rose." I say as I approach her car.

"No need. I got one for my car too. See?" She says and opens the door while Rose is still seated on her shoulders.

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