Chapter 6

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The rain picks up and we can hear thunder outside. The two of us don't talk, not until she speaks up.
"Could you maybe turn up the heat, it is kinda cold in here" she says

"Of course, wait let me just wipe my hands"

As I am adjusting everything she speaks again.

"I'm sorry for letting Kate treat you like that"

"Don't worry I'm a big girl, I can fight my own battles" I say looking at her.
She looks away almost as she feels guilty. I shake that off and continue on eating my fries.

"I'm going to be honest with you I didn't even know you studied business in college or that you even went to Oxford. I just sort of skimmed over that part in you CV." she admits

"It's alright. I don't really care that much."

"So I've noticed." she smiles

I feel hot at her stare and because this heat is too much. I take off my shirt before I start seriously sweating. She takes a peek at my stomach that is showing or more so my abs. I have abs yes. I hate saying that, I feel like some high school sportsman.
I finish my food and crumble the paper into balls so I can throw them out afterwards.

"I'm sorry I was quiet, my head hurts and I'm just tired from set. I had no energy left to argue."

"Stop apologizing she's the one that started the fight and she got it. I'm sorry if I insulted her, but I just couldn't stand hearing her say those things to me."
I answer her.

"Does your head still hurt, I've got some advil in the back if you want." I offer

"Sure, can you stop somewhere to get me something to drink. I finished mine."

I quickly run out of the car and open the back door. I find the advil and a unopened water bottle. I always keep those just in case. I run back inside and slam the door shut. It is pouring. I'm going to have to get us umbrellas from the trunk. She drinks the medicine and says a silent thank you. The rain picks up and I turn on the wipers so we can see whats going on.

We both finished our food and we just sit there in silence looking at the rain and in the background you can hear faint music coming from the speakers. It's peaceful. I don't want to leave and it seems like Scarlett feels the same.

"Ms shall we go?" I ask her.

"Can we stay here for another 5 minutes? It's so calming." she says looking outside

Few seconds later we hear thunder and a lightning hits somewhere close the sound fairly loud. She jumps and starts shaking.

"Are you okay?" I ask

"Yes, I just hate thunder" she says

"Well don't worry nothing is going to happen" I tell her

"You can't possibly know that" She says

"You're just being paranoid."

"Can we leave now? I feel scared something will hit is next" she says

"Okay boss, where to?"

"Warehouse please"

I nod and turn up the music so she doesn't hear the thunder as much. Her hands fidget with her rings and she looks so innocent. I like this sight of her. Not something you'd expect to see from the Scarlett Johansson. We park in front of the warehouse and it is still raining cats and dogs.

"Here take this" I tell her giving her my shirt.

"You were cold in the car and I bet you're going to be cold again. Just put it on as I go to the back seat and reach into the trunk" I tell her

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