Chapter 58

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"Here you go. I brought you a new one before I head to the airport." Marcus says putting down a gift bag onto my desk.

"Hey, you're going already?" I ask

"Yeah. Alex and I decided we'll be there two weeks early. We want to get settled and get everything ready." He says

"Oh , well thats great. Is this my new phone?" I ask

"Yes, since you smashed another one. I swear I have to get you a nokia 3310 or something." He says sitting down onto my desk.

"Thank you. It was very quiet these past four days." I say

"No wonder. I bet Scarlett got some rest." He says smiling.

"Oh piss off! I'm not that bad." I say and he laughs.

"I am just kidding. I already told Chris what happened and he laughed his ass off. He found it funny. I bet he notified her as well."

"I don't care if we're being honest. I just want to get everything in control and to centre myself for the first time in weeks." I say

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asks getting up.

"I.. I don't know anymore. I want to say I'm okay. But I doubt it. I want to feel the grief and to get over it, but I don't want to end up in the hospital again. You know what I mean?"

"I think thats one of the healthiest things you're said in a while. Thats what I call progress." He says and pats my shoulder.

"I need to leave, I bought you a white one this time."

"Aww thanks. I'll set it up right away." I say

"Good idea. Call her. She and you are just destined to be together. Get over the stupid argument and just make up already." Marcus says

"Go Marcus, you'll be late for the flight." I dismiss him.

"You know I'm right!" He yells as he walks out of my office.

I know he's right. He's always right about these things. Sometimes I think he knows me better than I know myself. I open the box to find an iPhone  13. He aimed big definitely. I had an iPhone 11. It was a lavender colour.

After setting it up the first thing I do is add Scarlett's, Chris's and Marcus's phone numbers. As well as some others I had in my planer. I put Scarlett's phone number first because thats the only one I know by heart. She has an easy number to memorize as well.

Today I decided I'll be going to two meetings. Thats why for today I am dressed more formal than I usually would. I wanted to look professional and like I actually want to be here. I don't if we're being honest, but thats besides the point.

My birthday is coming up. I don't know how to feel. I'm turning 30, which is scary on it's own. I don't know what I'll do then. Alex and Marcus will be in Italy and I will be here. Hosting that god damn anniversary dinner. God I hate that event. It just reminds me of how big of an ass my father was. Every single birthday I end up wasted and tired. This year I will drink stronger liquor so I can go to bed earlier.

I want to talk to Scarlett, to see how she's doing but I don't think she'd want that. One way to find out. I'll call her later today. She's in bed most probably so I don't want to wake her up.

I head to the conference room before the meeting starts so I could get comfortable and be punctual. I can't be late because then my employees will be late too. And we don't want that.

Everyone files into the room soon enough and my head of the department starts it. He had a few complaints but nothing we couldn't handle. Then my marketing team spoke up.

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