Chapter 14

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As I am running through my place I can't seem to find my charger anywhere. It is always in my bedroom and now it is no where to be found. I have almost everything packed but that. Scarlett will arrive with her mum in 10 minutes so she can drive us to the airport. I need to finish packing as soon as possible. I packed for three days but because of my pantsuit I chose the bigger luggage so it doesn't get wrinkled. I out the last thing in and finally find my charger on the living room floor. I just need to get changed and that'll be it.

A knock on the door frightens me. I go to answer and there is only Scarlett standing there.

"Are you ready?" she asks

"I just need to get changed, come in." she nods

I run back to my room and find me some black pair of jeans. On the top I put on a white short sleeve shirt and top it all off with a zip up hoodie. I put perfume as a neccesity and slip some sweets into my bag that I'll carry into the plane.

"Hey, I'm ready." I say putting my watch onto my hand.

"Okay, let's go." she says and takes my luggage out of mu hands. I don't bother with her and carry my black backpack instead. We get outside and she tells me to sit in the front with her mother. I nod my head and get inside after putting my suitcase into her trunk.

"Hello Ms Johansson how are you?" I say

"Hi there Lena, I'm good how about you?"

"I'm alright."

"Well I'm tired" hear Rose say

"We've talked about this honey, you can sleep on the flight all you want." Scarlett says.

The car goes silent and it is kinda awkward. Like every one of us wants to say something but is too scared. I get that. I want to sometimes kiss the life our of Scarlett but that doesn't mean I necessarily should do it.

We arrive to the airport and get inside. I am pushing my suitcase and Rose's while Scarlett is holding Rose's hand in one hand and her suitcase in the other. We soon enough get to security. They make me take off my hoodie and my watch. They pat me down and then let me go. It turns out I was checked for some time because the both of them were waiting up for me.

We are here right on time. The flight attendant tells us we can board right away and get comfy. I nod at that and guide the two od them outside with me. I booked a first class ticket so no one can disturb us but also so that Rose can sleep through the whole flight. That was Scarlett's idea.

We get settled and I take out my headphones and my book. I have six hours to basically to do anything so that will do. The three of us have seats that are right next to each other so we all feel a bit safer than normally. I buckle my seatbelt and the plane takes off. Once we are instructed we can walk freely I take it off and get comfortable. I put on my headphones and take my book into my hands. Ten pages in a feel a tap on my shoulder. I take off one of my headphones and turn to see a flight attendant offering rosé. I kindly decline and go back to my reading.

Two hours in I take off my headphones and get up to stretch. I go to check on Rose and see that she's asleep. I guess that she really was tired. I go to check on Scarlett and see that she is not in her seat. She probably went to the bathroom. Just seconds after I see her coming from the direction on the bathroom red like a tomato.

"Hey everything okay?" I ask

"Nothing, just a random guy saw my vagina in the bathroom." she says sitting down.

"What?"I ask

"Yes you heard it right."

"Wait how does that even happen?" I ask her again

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