Harry Potter Royalty AU

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Magic users live with non-magic users. Most magic users come from a long line of magic users they call Pure Bloods, But some magic users are the first in Their families to have magic they are called muggle Borns. (It is in Modern times Or you can make it Old times if you want)

Gryffindor is the largest, Richest And most powerful Kingdom In the World.

The rulers were always kind to their people and they were loved in return.

King James Came from a Long Ancient Line of Pure Bloods And Queen Lilly was A muggle Born.

They fell In love And when James was Made king He Made His Lily his wife and Queen.

Lily Became the first ever Muggle Born to become queen Or king.

Slytherin was a Darker and smaller but well-respected kingdom until The Ruler who demanded Be called King Voldemort Took the Throne, He was Truly Evil not like previous rulers who were Gray.

He was power-hungry and a cruel ruler, Who wanted to start killing all the People without magic And any of the Muggle Borns as they were impure and that made lots Of Pure Bloods happy So they joined him.

The people of the Slytherin Kingdom became just as cruel as their king, They loved Kidnapping Non-magic users and Torturing them And killing them just for the sake of it.

Only once someone had killed and toured a non-Magic user or A Muggle Born in front of King Voldemort and Truly Enjoyed it Could they get The mark.

The mark was A magical Tattoo That King Voldemort Seared onto the user, They wore them with pride As it signifies once King Voldemort Took over the world They would become kings themselves, And it meant they were King Voldemort's most loyal And Most "Powerful"( they considered themselves Powerful if they had the Mark)

Any Pure Bloods who Refused to join King Voldemort Were tortured and killed as well and they were called Blood betrayers.

King James and Queen Lilly Started to gather allies Of the smaller Ravenclaw And Hufflepuff Kingdoms To fight Kind Voldemort.

King James and Queen Lilly weren't like other rulers who got their people to fight for them They were on The front lines Fighting King Voldemort And his Death Eaters as they Became called.

The Gryffindor Kingdom soon had great News, The Queen was Pregnant With A son.

King Voldemort heard the news and was enraged That Now A Pathetic Half-blood Was going to be king.

King Voldemort Has a Spy In The Gryffindor Kingdom, His name is Snape, He was Queen Lilly's Childhood Friend and Now trusted Advisor.

But Snape had come to King Voldemort when Lily Married James And a Prophecy Was Told Of their Unborn Child Being More Powerful Than King Voldemort And that The child would end King Voldemort's reign.

He became a Death eater On the Condition That King Voldemort would Kill James And Their Child And Lily would become his In return he would give all the  Information King Voldemort Could ever want.

(Must include Snape Bashing/Bad Snape and NO Snape redemption)

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